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:alt: GitHub actions CI status
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This simple package ships middleware that lets you to set basic authentication
and IP whitelisting via Django settings.
Use case
This package has been created for staging and demo sites that need to be
completely hidden from the Internet behind a password or accessible only to
certain IP networks.
Do not depend on this package to protect highly valuable information. This
package is at a good way to disable staging sites being discovered by
search engines and Internet users trying to access staging sites. It is
advised that any sensitive information is protected using Django authentication system <>
- Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 or 3.0.
- Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8.
The package is on
PyPI <>
__ so you can
just install it with pip.
.. code:: sh
pip install django-basic-auth-ip-whitelist
In your Django settings you can configure the following settings:
Credentials that you want to use with your basic authentication.
Set a list of network ranges (strings) compatible with Python’s
`ipaddress.ip_network <>`__
that you want to be able to access the website without authentication
from. It must be either a string with networks separated by comma or
Python iterable.
**Warning**: See [Getting IP Address](#getting-ip-address) below for caveats around IP address detection.
String specifying the realm of the default response.
Example settings
.. code:: python
BASIC_AUTH_LOGIN = 'somelogin'
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD = 'greatpassword'
Advanced customisation
Getting IP Address
By default, ``BasicAuthIPWhitelistMiddleware`` uses ``request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"]``
as the client's IP, which corresponds to the IP address connecting to Django.
If you have a reverse proxy (eg ``nginx`` in front), this will result in the IP address of
``nginx``, not the client.
Correctly determining the IP address can vary between deployments. Guessing incorrectly can
result in security issues. Instead, this library requires you configure this yourselves.
In most deployments, the ``X-Forwarded-For`` header can be used to correctly determine the
client's IP. We recommend `django-xff <>`__ to help parse this
header correctly. Because ``django-xff`` overrides ``REMOTE_ADDR`` by default, it is natively
supported by ``BasicAuthIPWhitelistMiddleware``.
`django-ipware <>`__ is another popular
library, however may take more customization to implement.
To fully customize IP address detection, you can set ``BASIC_AUTH_GET_CLIENT_IP_FUNCTION`` to
a function which takes a request and returns a valid IP address:
.. code:: python
BASIC_AUTH_GET_CLIENT_IP_FUNCTION = 'utils.ip.get_client_ip'
Set a list of hosts that your website will be open to without basic
authentication. This is useful if your website is hosted under multiple domains
and you want only one of them to be publicly visible, e.g. by search engines.
**This is by no means a security feature. Please do not use to secure your
.. code:: python
Set a list of paths that your website will serve without basic authentication.
This can be used to support API integrations for example with third-party
services which don't support basic authentication.
Paths listed in the setting ``BASIC_AUTH_WHITELISTED_PATHS`` are treated as roots, and any subpath will be whitelisted too. For example:
.. code:: python
This will open up the path, as well as anything
below it, e.g.
If you want to display a different template on the 401 page, please use this
setting to point at the template.
.. code:: python
If you want to specify custom response class, you can do so with this setting.
Provide the path as a string.
.. code:: python
BASIC_AUTH_RESPONSE_CLASS = 'yourmodule.response.CustomUnathorisedResponse'
Set this setting to True if you want the Authorization HTTP header to not be deleted from the request object after it has been used by this package's middleware.
.. code:: python
Skip middleware
You can skip the middleware by setting
`_skip_basic_auth_ip_whitelist_middleware_check` attribute on the request to
.. code:: python
setattr(request, '_skip_basic_auth_ip_whitelist_middleware_check', True)
This may be handy if you have other middleware that you want to have
co-existing different middleware that restrict access to the website.