Django Custom Admin
A custom admin interface providing backend via DRF and frontend via Vue3
and Vuetify that tries to Keep It Simple.
|PyPI version| |GitHub stars|
Documentation <>
- Interface for DRF API based on Vue 3 and Vuetify
- Pre-builded Vue SPA front page provided through Django template/static files. A separate setup for the front end is not required.
- Ability to create inline admin actions using forms via DRF serializers
- Dynamic system for obtaining partition scheme and interface structure
- Access rights sharing system based on DRF permissioins
Custom fields
- Related fields/filters with autocomplete search
- WYSIWYG editor using TinyMCE
- JSON editor using svelte-jsoneditor and JSONForms
- Autocomplete for related fields and filters using API
- Support for django-modeltranslation translations
Non ORM inlines
- Table views
- Support for graphs using chartjs
Vue frontend
npm install --prefix vue_frontend
npm run dev --prefix vue_frontend
npm run build --prefix vue_frontend
rm -r custom_admin/static/custom_admin/*
rm -r custom_admin/templates/custom_admin/admin_index.html
cp vue_frontend/dist/index.html custom_admin/templates/custom_admin/admin_index.html
cp -r vue_frontend/dist/static/custom_admin/ custom_admin/static/
python -m build
python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
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