Describe your database index in json files into your apps
Detailed documentation is in the "docs" directory.
Quick start
Add "json_dbindex" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
Run python manage.py list_jsindex
to list all defined indexes.
Create indexes
Create a file in you app directory called dbindex_create.json
following contents
| [{"name": "django_site_composite_idx",
| "table": "django_site",
| "columns": ["domain","name"],
| "predicat": "WHERE id > 1000",
| "using": "btree",
| "database": "default",
| "unique": yes},
| {"name": "django_site_name_idx",
| "table": "django_site",
| "columns": [{"name": "gist_trgm_ops"}],
| "using": "gist",
| "extension": "pg_trgm"}]
Trying to create an existing index will not generate an error, only a
logging at level notice will be raised.
Drop indexes
Create a file in you app directory called dbindex_drop.json
following contents.
| [{"name": "django_site_composite_idx"},
| {"name": "django_site_domain_idx"}]
Only the name is required. In the above example two indexes will be
dropped. Trying to drop a non existing index will not generate an
error, only a logging at level notice will be raised.