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This is a django-otp plugin that delivers tokens via Twilio's SMS <https://www.twilio.com/sms>
_ service.
See django-otp <https://pypi.org/project/django-otp>
_ for more information
on the OTP framework.
.. end-of-doc-intro
This project is built and managed with hatch
. If you don't have hatch, I
recommend installing it with pipx
: pipx install hatch
defines several useful scripts for development and testing.
The default environment includes all dev and test dependencies for quickly
running tests. The test
environment defines the test matrix for running the
full validation suite. Everything is executed in the context of the Django
project in test/test_project.
As a quick primer, hatch scripts can be run with hatch run [<env>:]<script>
To run linters and tests in the default environment, just run
hatch run check
. This should run tests with your default Python version and
the latest Django. Other scripts include:
- manage: Run a management command via the test project. This can be used to
generate migrations.
- lint: Run all linters.
- fix: Run all fixers to address linting issues. This may not fix every
issue reported by lint.
- test: Run all tests.
- check: Run linters and tests.
- warn: Run tests with all warnings enabled. This is especially useful for
seeing deprecation warnings in new versions of Django.
- cov: Run tests and print a code coverage report.
To run the full test matrix, run hatch run test:run
. You will need multiple
specific Python versions installed for this.
You can clean up the hatch environments with hatch env prune
, for example to
force dependency updates.
.. _hatch: https://hatch.pypa.io/
.. _pipx: https://pypa.github.io/pipx/