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Helper for django applications development
djangocms-helper is a set of commands and helper methods
to make developing and testing reusable Django applications easier.
Being born in the django CMS ecosystem, it provides a lot of utility
functions to develop, run and test django CMS applications.
It's a modified version of django CMS's own develop.py
script, modified
to handle generic application development process.
Supported versions
Python: 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
Django: 1.11 - 2,2
django CMS: 3.4 - 3.7
Newer versions might work but are not tested yet.
.. warning:: Starting from version 1.2, compatibility with Python 3.4, Django<=1.11 and
django CMS<=3.4 has been dropped. Pin your test requirements accordingly
.. warning:: Starting from version 1.1, nose test runner has been dropped.
Pin your test requirements accordingly (djangocms-helper<1.0
Common options
: Loads configuration to properly run a django CMS-based application;--extra-settings
: Path to a helper file to set extra settings; see
Settings section <https://djangocms-helper.readthedocs.io/en/develop/settings.html>
for details;
The command must be executed in the main plugin directory (i.e. in the same
directory as the setup.py
file) as it needs to import files relative to the
current directory.
The basic command structure is::
djangocms-helper <application> <command> [options ...]
where is the django application name and is one
of the available commands. Options vary for each command.
Base test class
A base test class is available to provide helpers and methods that
implements repetitive tasks during development or compatibility shims
(especially for django CMS).
.. warning:: Changes in version 1.2 might reduce the number of queries executed in tests
rendering plugins.
If you are using ``assertNumQueries`` (or similar), this may
yield unexpected failures.
Please check your code before upgrading djangocms-helper.
To bootstrap a project using djangocms-helper
you may want to have a look at cookiecutter-djangopackage-helper <https://github.com/nephila/cookiecutter-djangopackage-helper>
, a cookiecutter <https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter>
template for djangocms-helper
To use it follows usage instructions <https://github.com/nephila/cookiecutter-djangopackage-helper#usage>
By using the integrated runned in the settings file you'll be able to run
the commands without invoking djangocms-helper
: see
Integrate runner <https://djangocms-helper.readthedocs.io/en/develop/runner.html>
for reference.
Installing from pip::
pip install djangocms-helper
Installing from source::
pip install git+https://github.com/nephila/djangocms-helper#egg=djangocms-helper
- django CMS optional; required only to work with
option - docopt
- tox
- dj-database-url
Documentation is available on readthedocs <https://djangocms-helper.readthedocs.io>
was written by Iacopo Spalletti <i.spalletti@nephila.it>
_ with help from
other contributors.
The general logic and part of the code of the whole application is heavily taken from
django CMS's <https://github.com/divio/django-cms>
_ own develop.py
so all the contributors
deserve a huge thanks for their work.
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