This is a little library for creating Servers and Clients to send data.
myclient = Clientstream(addr, port) #Generate
myclient.connect() #Connect
myclient.setListener("connect", connect) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args:
myclient.setListener("disconnect", disconnect) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args:
myclient.setListener("recv", recv) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args: None, data
myclient.setListener("recvexception", recv) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args: exception
myclient.send("something", delay) #Send; delay is by default 300 ms
myclient.pause() #Pause
myclient.unpause() #Unpause
is_paused = myclient.getpaused() #Getpaused
myclient.stop() #Stop
myserver = Serverstream(addr, port, maxclients) #Generate
myserver.connect() #Connect
myserver.setListener("connect", connect) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args: sock_id
myserver.setListener("disconnect", disconnect) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args: sock_id
myserver.setListener("recv", recv) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args: sock, data
myserver.setListener("recvexception", recv) #Replace the second argument with a function. Overgiving args: exception
myserver.send(sock_id "something", delay) #Send to sock_id; delay is by default 300 ms
myserver.pause() #Pause
myserver.unpause() #Unpause
is_paused = myserver.getpaused() #Getpaused
myserver.stop() #Stop
There are 3 default types of Packets. The JSON, pickle and repr Packet.
In this case, we use a JSONPacket to show it:
mypacket = JSONPACKET(data) #Create; data is by default {}
mypacket.set_data({"1":1, "2":2}) #Set
print(mypacket.get_data()) #Getall
print(mypacket.get_data("1")) #Get
myclient.send(mypacket.pack()) #Send
mypacket = JSONPacket.unpack(raw_data)
to create an own Packet, you must create this:
class MyPacket(easystreaming.Packet):
def pack(self):
#return bytes of
def unpack(rdata):
#return Packet with unpacked data