.. image:: docs/source/_static/ecosound_logo_small.png
Welcome to ecosound!
Ecosound is an open source python package to facilitate the analysis of passive acoustic data. It includes modules for manual annotation
processing and visualization, automatic detection, signal classification, and localization. It heavily relies on libraries such as xarray,
pandas, numpy and scikit-learn. Under the hood it also uses dask which supports the processing of large data sets that don’t fit into memory,
and makes processing scalable through distributed computing (on either local clusters or on the cloud). Outputs from ecosound are compatible
with popular bioacoustics software such as Raven <https://ravensoundsoftware.com/>
_ and
PAMlab <https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52aa2773e4b0f29916f46675/t/5be5b07088251b9f59268184/1541779574284/PAMlab+Brochure.pdf>
Ecosound is very much a work in progress and is still under heavy development.
At this stage, it is recommended to contact the main contributor before using
ecosound for your projects.
No documentation yet, but we're working on it...
Xavier Mouy <https://xaviermouy.weebly.com/>
_ (@XavierMouy) leads this project as part of his PhD in the Juanes Lab <https://juaneslab.weebly.com/>
at the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada).
- This project was initiated in the
Juanes Lab <https://juaneslab.weebly.com/>
_ at the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) and received funding from the Canadian Healthy Oceans Network <https://chone2.ca/>
_ and Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Pacific Region <https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/contact/regions/pacific-pacifique-eng.html#Nanaimo-Lab>
Ecosound is licensed under the open source BSD-3-Clause License <https://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/>
0.0.0 (2020-11-20)