Fake Progress Bars
I don't know why you'd want to, but now you can make fake progress bars.
from fake_progress_bars import progress_bar
progress_bar(time=10, size=200, step=2, label='Example', variability=0.1,
progress='◼️', remaining='·', outside='⏺', percentage=False)
All configuration options:
- time: The amount of time the progress bar takes to complete.
- size: The size of the progress bar in characters.
- step: The amount the progress increases every step.
- label: The label before the progress bar, succeeded by ": ".
- variability: The amount of change allowed in the time of each step. This property is limited to the time times the step divided by the size to keep the time consistent.
- progress: The character used to represent the current progress of the progress bar.
- remaining: The character used for the remaining percentage of the progress bar.
- outside: The character used as the border on either side of the progress bar.
- percentage: Whether the percentage competed should be shown on the right side of the progress bar.