.. _background:
libmagic <http://www.darwinsys.com/file/>
_ is the library that commonly
supports the file command on Unix system, other than Max OSX which has its
own implementation. The library handles the loading of database files that
describe the magic numbers used to identify various file types, as well as the
associated mime types. The library also handles character set detections.
.. _installation:
Before installing filemagic, the libmagic library will need to be
availabile. To test this is the check for the presence of the file command
and/or the libmagic man page. ::
$ which file
$ man libmagic
On Mac OSX, Apple has implemented their own version of the file command.
However, libmagic can be installed using homebrew <https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew>
_ ::
$ brew install libmagic
After brew finished installing, the test for the libmagic man page should
Now that the presence of libmagic has been confirmed, use pip <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>
_ to install filemagic. ::
$ pip install filemagic
The magic module should now be availabe from the Python shell. ::
>>> import magic
The next section will describe how to use the magic.Magic class to
identify file types.
.. _usage:
The magic module uses ctypes <http://docs.python.org/dev/library/ctypes.html>
_ to wrap the primitives from
libmagic in the more user friendly magic.Magic class. This class
handles initialization, loading databases and the release of resources. ::
>>> import magic
To ensure that resources are correctly released by magic.Magic, it's
necessary to either explicitly call magic.Magic.close on instances,
or use with
statement. ::
>>> with magic.Magic() as m:
... pass
magic.Magic supports context managers which ensures resources are
correctly released at the end of the with
statements irrespective of any
To identify a file from it's filename, use the
magic.Magic.id_filename() method. ::
>>> with magic.Magic() as m:
... m.id_filename('setup.py')
'Python script, ASCII text executable'
Similarily to identify a file from a string that has already been read, use the
magic.Magic.id_buffer method. ::
>>> with magic.Magic() as m:
... m.id_buffer('#!/usr/bin/python\n')
'Python script, ASCII text executable'
To identify with mime type, rather than a textual description, pass the
magic.MAGIC_MIME_TYPE flag when creating the magic.Magic
instance. ::
>>> with magic.Magic(flags=magic.MAGIC_MIME_TYPE) as m:
... m.id_filename('setup.py')
Similarily, magic.MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING can be passed to return the
encoding type. ::
>>> with magic.Magic(flags=magic.MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING) as m:
... m.id_filename('setup.py')
.. _unicode:
Memory management
The libmagic library allocates memory for its own use outside that Python.
This memory needs to be released when a magic.Magic instance is no
longer needed. The preferred way to doing this is to explicitly call the
magic.Magic.close method or use the with
statement, as
described above.
Starting with version 1.4 magic.Magic this memory will be
automatically cleaned up when the instance is garbage collected. However,
unlike CPython, some Python interpreters such as PyPy <http://pypy.org>
Jython <http://jython.org>
and IronPython <http://ironpython.net>
_ do
not have deterministic garbage collection. Because of this, filemagic will
issue a warning if it automatically cleans up resources.
Unicode and filemagic
On both Python2 and Python3, magic.Magic's methods will encode any
unicode objects (the default string type for Python3) to byte strings before
being passed to libmagic. On Python3, returned strings will be decoded to
unicode using the default encoding type. The user should not be concerned
whether unicode or bytes are passed to magic.Magic methods. However,
the user will need to be aware that returned strings are always unicode on
Python3 and byte strings on Python2.
.. _issues:
Reporting issues
The source code for filemagic is hosted on
Github <https://github.com/aliles/filemagic>
Problems can be reported using Github's
issues tracking <https://github.com/aliles/filemagic/issues>
filemagic has been tested against libmagic 5.11. Continuous integration
is provided by Travis CI <http://travis-ci.org>
_. The current build status
is |build_status|.
.. |build_status| image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/aliles/filemagic.png?branch=master
:target: http://travis-ci.org/#!/aliles/filemagic