This is a pyhton libary to connect to Firebots API. This is a standalone project that is not associated with the offical firebot.
pip install firebotpy
From Firebots Website:
"Firebot is a fully featured open-source bot that can help level up your streams."
Change Log
4.21 (11/02/2022)
-Added getUsersinRoles() method which returns a list of users assigned to a role
Change Log
4.15 (11/01/2022)
-Bug Fixes
4.0 (09/12/2022)
-Enable and disable timers
-Firebot Text To Speech
-Role Management
-Get, set, increase counters
-Get system and custom commands
3.01 (08/26/2022)
-Rewrote the entire library. No longer need to reference the text file in the local firebot directory. Assumes bot is on localhost
-Added Announce messages
-Added ability to retrive quotes
-Added ability to make new quotes
-Can remove metadata
-Can retrieve user metadata stored in firebots database
2.50 (03/31/2022)
-Added ability to get metadata for a users
-Added get_allviewers method to return a list of all viewers in the database
-Changed get_status method to get a boolean type. Returns True if connected and False if not connected
2.41 (03/21/2022)
-Bug Fixes
2.40 (03/21/2022)
-Added error handling when sending data
-Added a brief description to each method
2.31 (16/12/2021)
-Add or remove currency from all online viewers
-Add or remove currency from a specific role
2.29 (13/12/2021)
-Added whisper chat from the bot or streamer account
-Added duration for custom variables (default is 0)
-Added getting the value of a counter
2.281 (12/12/2021)
-Added set roles for users
-Added remove all users from roles
-Added enable and disable timer
-Added add and remove users to VIP roles
-Added ban and unban users
-Added change scene
-Fixed get_status function
2.26 (09/12/2021)
-First Release