Simple focus animations for tiling window managers.

Compatible with sway as well as all X based window managers (i3, bspwm, awesome-wm, xmonad...).
Flashfocus is currently pretty stable and I don't have any major features in
the works, however the project is still actively maintained and feature
requests are always welcome :)
For X based window managers, an active window compositor is required for the effects of flashfocus
to be noticeable. If you don't have one setup already, I recommend
Install from the Arch User Repository: flashfocus
sudo apt-get install libxcb-render0-dev libffi-dev python-dev python-cffi
pip install flashfocus
dnf install libffi-devel python-devel python-cffi
pip install flashfocus
Flashfocus is in the official repository of openSUSE Tumbleweed.
openSUSE Leap users can install it from the X11:Utilities devel project:
zypper ar obs://X11:Utilities x11util
zypper ref
zypper in flashfocus
Nix / NixOS
Declaratively in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
Ad hoc
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.flashfocus
Picom setup
The following must be present in your picom config file:
detect-client-opacity = true;
If you use i3, the following is also required for flashfocus to work with tabbed containers:
opacity-rule = [
Running flashfocus
Flashfocus should be added to your startup programs. E.g for i3 place the
following in your config:
exec_always --no-startup-id flashfocus
The flash_window
script can be used to flash the current window on key-press. E.g if you'd like to bind to mod+n in i3:
bindsym $mod+n exec --no-startup-id flash_window
Flashfocus can be configured via its config file or with command line parameters. Some features, such as window-specific flash customization, are only available through the config file.
The config file is searched for in the following locations:
- $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/flashfocus/flashfocus.yml
- ~/.config/flashfocus/flashfocus.yml
- ~/.flashfocus.yml
When flashfocus is first run it creates a default config file in 1. or 2. Documentation of all configuration options is present in the config file.
See the wiki for some extra docs.