A box for flet, abusing contextmanagers and decorators.
FletBox is a gradio/nicegui style wrapper around flet, handling the routing & syntax for you.
NOTE: for those who used fletbox<0.3, the syntax has changed and therefore your code will break. I promise though, the new syntax is definitely cleaner!
pip install fletbox
import flet as ft
from fletbox import FletBox, Builder, Factory
NOTE: you can pass normal ft.app kwargs to FletBox.
fb = FletBox(view=ft.AppView.WEB_BROWSER)
kwargs can also be set via AttrDict.
fb.kwargs.port = 8550
Main Block, decorators and routing
The view routing is handled in the background.
This decorator is used for routing, and all decorated views take two inputs, page and builder.
def test(page: ft.Page) -> Builder:
EXTRA: the standard page.go function can be used for traveling between routes.
Main Block, contextmanagers (with statements)
The syntax is drastically altered from the standard flet library.
def test(page: ft.Page) -> None:
with page.Container(expand=True, margin=-10, gradient=page.standard_gradient):
with page.Row() as row:
textfield = page.TextField(label="FletBox", text_size=20)
def postfunc():
def shared_methods(page: ft.Page):
page.fonts = {
"Raleway": "assets/Raleway[wght].ttf"
page.theme = ft.Theme(color_scheme_seed="pink", visual_density="COMFORTABLE", font_family="Raleway")
page.standard_gradient = ft.LinearGradient(begin=ft.alignment.bottom_left, end=ft.alignment.top_right, colors=["#F7C35A", "#FBAFAB"])
And finally we run the application.
NOTE: you can pass normal ft.app kwargs to fb.app.
Other Usage
Custom Elements
import flet as ft
from fletbox import FletBox, Builder, Factory
import flet_material as fm
factory = Factory(modules={"fm": fm})
fb = FletBox(factory=factory)
def test(page: ft.Page) -> None:
with page.Container(expand=True, margin=-10):
page.fm.CheckBox(ft.BoxShape.CIRCLE, value=False, disabled=False)
If you wish to disable printouts from fletbox, such as the follows:
SETUP completed in YOUR_TIME_HERE connected to route / in YOUR_TIME_HERE
set verbose as False (must be run before fb.app):
fb.verbose = False
Wildcard URLs
If you want to make a dynamic view constructor:
The following code will match (e.g. /something/1) and pass wildcard=VALUE_IN_URL as kwargs
def wildcard_example(page: ft.Page, wildcard:Any=...) -> None:
Internal Builder
Unlike in fletbox<=0.2.13, the layout subclass for controls no longer exists as the contextmanagers and items controls were merged.
However, there is still an underlying builder subclass that was merged into page - for advanced uses it can be accessed in a few different ways.
It is important to note that the builder is stateless, as in it is refreshed on every function / view invocation.
Access via legacy args method as following
def test(page: ft.Page, builder: Builder) -> None:
with builder.Container(expand=True, margin=-10, gradient=page.standard_gradient):
with builder.Row() as row:
textfield = builder.TextField(label="FletBox", text_size=20)
Access via internal value as following
def test(page: ft.Page) -> None:
builder = page.builder
with builder.Container(expand=True, margin=-10, gradient=page.standard_gradient):
with builder.Row() as row:
textfield = builder.TextField(label="FletBox", text_size=20)