Security News
Data Theft Repackaged: A Case Study in Malicious Wrapper Packages on npm
The Socket Research Team breaks down a malicious wrapper package that uses obfuscation to harvest credentials and exfiltrate sensitive data.
This library uses the Tensorflow & Tensorflow-Probability deep learning libraries to implement & train the models.
Tensorflow [2.4.0+ ]
Tensorflow-Probability [0.10.0+ ]
Note: If upgrading Tensorflow, skip v2.6.0 (buggy) & go to 2.7.0 or higher
A typical workflow will look like this:
import tfr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pprint
# Ensure the dataset meets the following criteria:
a) No NaNs or infs
b) No mixed datatypes in any column
b) No column names may contain spaces
df = pd.read_csv(...)
'id_col': Unique identifier for time-series' in the dataset. Mandatory.
'target_col': Target Column. Mandatory.
'time_index_col': Any Date or Integer index column that can be used to sort the time-series in ascending order. Mandatory.
'static_num_col_list': A list of numeric columns which are static features i.e. don't change with time. If N/A specify an empty list: []
'static_cat_col_list': A list of string/categorical columns which are static features. If N/A specify empty list: []
'temporal_known_num_col_list': A list of time varying numeric columns which are known at the time of inference for the required Forecast horizon. If N/A spcify empty list [].
'temporal_unknown_num_col_list': A list of time varying numeric columns for which only historical values are known. If N/A spcify empty list [].
'temporal_known_cat_col_list': A list of time varying categorical columns which are known at the time of inference for the required Forecast horizon. If N/A spcify empty list [].
'temporal_unknown_cat_col_list': A list of time varying categorical columns for which only historical values are known. If N/A spcify empty list [].
'strata_col_list': A list of categorical columns to use for stratified sampling. If N/A specify empty list [].
'sort_col_list': A list of columns to be used for sorting the dataframe. Typically ['id_col','time_index_col']. Mandatory.
'wt_col': A numeric column to be used for weighted sampling of time-series'. If N/A specify: None.
columns_dict = {'id_col':'id',
col_dict: Columns grouping dictionary defined above.
window_len: int(maximum look back history + forecast horizon )
fh: int(forecast horizon)
batch: Specifies training & testing batch size. If using stratified sampling, this is the batch size per strata.
min_nz: Min. no. of non zero values in the Target series within the window_len for it to qualify as a training sample.
PARALLEL_DATA_JOBS: Option to use parallel processing for training batches generation.
PARALLEL_DATA_JOBS_BATCHSIZE: Batch size to process within each of the parallel jobs.
data_obj = tfr.tfr_dataset(col_dict=columns_dict,
df = Processed Pandas Dataframe read earlier.
train_till = Date/time_index_col cut-off for training data.
test_till = Date/time_index_col cut-off for testing data. Typically this will be 'train_till + forecast_horizon'
trainset, testset = data_obj.train_test_dataset(df,
train_till=pd.to_datetime('2015-12-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'),
test_till=pd.to_datetime('2016-01-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'))
col_index_dict = data_obj.col_index_dict
vocab = data_obj.vocab_list(df)
infer_dataset, actuals_df = data_obj.infer_dataset(df,
history_till=pd.to_datetime('2015-12-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'),
future_till=pd.to_datetime('2016-01-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'))
where, actuals_df is a dataframe of ground_truths (to be used for evaluation)
num_layers: Int. Specify no. of attention layers in the Transformer model. Typical range [1-4]
num_heads: Int. No. of heads to be used for self attention computation. Typical range [1-4]
d_model: Int. Model Dimension. Typical range [32,64,128]. Multiple of num_heads.
forecast_horizon: same as 'fh' defined above.
max_inp_len: = int(window_len - fh)
loss_type: One of ['Point','Quantile'] for Point forecasts or ['Normal','Poisson','Negbin'] for distribution based forecasts
dropout_rate: % Dropout for regularization
trainset, testset: datasources obtained above
Returns the model object
Select a loss_type & loss_function from the following:
{'Huber': ['loss_type: Point', 'Usage: Huber(delta=1.0, sample_weights=False)'],
'Negbin': ['loss_type: Negbin', 'Usage: Negbin_NLL_Loss(sample_weights=False)'],
'Normal': ['loss_type: Normal', 'Usage: Normal_NLL_Loss(sample_weights=False)'],
'Poisson': ['loss_type: Poisson', 'Usage: Poisson_NLL_Loss(sample_weights=False)'],
'Quantile': ['loss_type: Quantile', 'Usage: QuantileLoss_v2(quantiles=[0.5], sample_weights=False)'],
'RMSE': ['loss_type: Point', 'Usage: RMSE(sample_weights=False)']
loss_type = 'Quantile'
loss_fn = QuantileLoss_Weighted(quantiles=[0.6])
del model
model = Simple_Transformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 2,
num_heads = 4,
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 13,
loss_type = 'Quantile,
train_dataset, test_dataset: objects
loss_function: One of the supported loss functions. See the output of pprint.pprint(supported_losses) for usage.
metric: 'MAE' or 'MSE'
learning_Rate: Typical range [0.001 - 0.00001]
max_epochs, min_epochs: Max & min training epochs
steps_per_epoch: no. of training batches/gradient descent steps per epoch
patience: how many epochs to wait before terminating in case of non-decreasing loss
weighted_training: True/False.
model_prefix: Path where to save models
logdir: Training logs location. Can be viewed with Tensorboard.
best_model = model.train(train_dataset=trainset,
Skip '' if doing only inference using a saved model.
forecast_df = model.infer(infer_dataset)
model = Feature_Weighted_Transformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 2,
num_heads = 4,
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 13,
loss_type = 'Quantile,
model.train(...) -- usage identical to Simple_Transformer
# Inference returns two outputs:
forecast_df, feature_imp = model.infer(...)
forecast_df - forecasts dataframe
feature_imp - a list of variable importance dataframes in the following order: static_vars_imp_df, historical_vars_imp_df, future_vars_imp_df
Prepare the baseline dataset:
baseline_infer_dataset = data_obj.baseline_infer_dataset(df,
history_till=pd.to_datetime('2016-01-18', format='%Y-%M-%d'),
future_till=pd.to_datetime('2016-01-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'),
where, ignore_cols is a list of features to zero out while forecasting so as to eliminate their contribution to total forecast.
Call infer as usual:
baseline_forecast_df, _ = model.infer(baseline_infer_dataset)
Evaluation produces two metrics: Forecast_Accuracy & Forecast_Bias expressed as percentages
eval_df = model.evaluate(forecasts=forecast_df, actuals=actuals_df, aggregate_on=['item_id','state_id'])
where, aggregate_on is a list of static categorical columns which provides the level at which to summarize forecast accuracy & bias.
Build Model:
model = Sparse_Simple_Transformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 2,
num_heads = 4,
num_blocks = 2,
kernel_size = 5,
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 14,
loss_type = 'Point',
model = Sparse_Feature_Weighted_Transformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 2,
num_heads = 4,
num_blocks = 2,
kernel_size = 5,
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 14,
loss_type = 'Point',
num_blocks - local attention window size. max_inp_len should be a multiple of num_blocks.
Specify num_blocks > 1 only if working with long sequences.
kernel_size - Conv1D causal convolution layer's kernel size. Basically, the look_back_window at each timestep.
Typical values: [3,5,7,9]
Train: Same as Feature_Weighted_Transformer
Added switch 'low_memory' & 'use_memmap' to the tfr_dataset.train_test_dataset method.
Default: low_memory = True (uses API for generating train/test batches). Uses less memory at the expense of speed.
low_memory = False, uses numpy arrays in Initial trainset/testset creation takes time but the training speed improves by 4x.
Default: use_memmap = True (uses numpy.memmap files to reduce memory usage). If False, builds train/test arrays in memory (high mem usage)
trainset, testset = data_obj.train_test_dataset(df,
train_till=pd.to_datetime('2015-12-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'),
test_till=pd.to_datetime('2016-01-31', format='%Y-%M-%d'),
Plot sample raw time-series:
data_obj.show_ts_samples(data=df, sample_ids=[], n_samples=10, n_col=2, plot_size=(300,600), save=True, filename='ts_samples.html')
Plot sample processed time-series:
data_obj.show_processed_ts_samples(data=df, n_samples=10, n_col=2, plot_size=(300,400), save=True, filename='ts_processed_samples.html')
Create Interactive EDA Report
import eda
eda_object = eda.eda(col_dict=columns_dict, PARALLEL_DATA_JOBS=4, PARALLEL_DATA_JOBS_BATCHSIZE=128) # 'columns_dict' -- similar to the one used in 'tfr_dataset'
eda_object.create_report(data=df, filename='eda_report.html') # df is the pandas dataframe, filename is the full path of the to-be generated report
The create_report method takes a few more arguments:
n_col (default (int): 2) # Configures the grid layout
plot_size (default (tuple of ints): (400,800)) # (Height,Width) of the plot in pixels
time_lags (default (list of ints): [-1,0,1]) # Used for non-linear correlation density plots between target_col & various numeric & categorical columns for specified lags.
max_static_col_levels (default (int): 100) # If there are too many levels to a static feature, the report can get crowded with redundant plots. This parameter helps skip crowded plots with little utility.
TFT sample usage:
import tft
# Create Data Object
data_obj = tft.tft_dataset(col_dict, # Column Groups dictionary (see above)
window_len=192, # Context window size: int(historical series length + forecast_horizon)
fh=24, # forecast_horizon
batch=64, # Specify larger batch size if using 'prefill_buffers=True' in model.train()
min_nz=1, # Minimum non-zero values in the historical sequence to be considered as a training sample
scaling_method='standard_scaling', # scaling method for temporal numeric columns
interleave=1, # legacy. Leave as it is.
PARALLEL_DATA_JOBS=4, # Used for parallelisation. Specify as per available hardware.
col_index_dict = data_obj.col_index_dict # used to ascertain column positions in the dataframe
vocab = data_obj.vocab_list(df) # get full vocabulary of columns to be embedded
# Create Train & Test sets
trainset, testset = data_obj.train_test_dataset(df,
train_till=pd.to_datetime('2014-08-08 23:00:00', format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
test_till=pd.to_datetime('2014-08-31 23:00:00', format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
# Create loss function (a list of supported losses can be found by printing tft.supported_losses)
loss_fn = tft.QuantileLoss_v2(quantiles=[0.5], sample_weights=False)
# Construct Model
model = tft.Temporal_Fusion_Transformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 1,
num_heads = 4,
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 13,
loss_type = 'Quantile',
# Train Model
model.train(train_dataset, # trainset obtain from data_objec using the dataobj.train_test_dataset() method
test_dataset, # testset obtain from data_objec using the dataobj.train_test_dataset() method
loss_function, # Any supported loss function defined in tft.supported_losses
metric='MSE', # Either 'MSE' or 'MAE'
learning_rate=0.0001, # Use higher lr only with valid clipnorm
prefill_buffers=False, # Indicates whether to create a static dataset (requires more memory but trains faster)
num_train_samples=200000, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False)
num_test_samples=50000, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False)
train_batch_size=64, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False, Batch Size specified in data object is used instead)
test_batch_size=128, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False, Batch Size specified in data object is used instead)
train_steps_per_epoch=200, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=True)
test_steps_per_epoch=100, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=True)
patience=10, # Max epochs to train without further drop in loss value (use higher patience when prefill_buffers=False)
weighted_training=False, # Whether to compute & optimize on the basis of weighted losses
opt=None, # provide own optimizer object (default is Adam/Nadam)
clipnorm=0.1, # max global norm applied. Used for stable training. Default is 'None'.
min_delta=0.0001, # min decrease in val. loss to be considered an improvement
shuffle=True) # shuffle training set after each epoch
mode.train returns the path of best trained model.
# Steps to load pre-trained model
# Re-build model
model = tft.Temporal_Fusion_Transformer() # Same parameters as the trained model
# load weights
# Steps to generate forecast
# create infer dataset
infer_dataset, _ = data_obj.infer_dataset(df, history_till=history_till, future_till=future_till)
# infer
forecast_df, features = model.infer(infer_dataset)
STCTN sample usage:
import stctn
... stctn.stctn_dataset
... stctn.supported_losses
model = stctn.Spatial_Temporal_Transformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 4,
num_heads = 1,
d_model = 16,
temporal_kernel_size_list = [1,2,3,4],
spatial_kernel_size = 3,
num_shuffle = 20,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 13,
loss_type = 'Point',
Train & Infer methods are identical to other transformers.
ConvTFR usage:
import ctfrv2
# Create Data Object
data_obj = ctfrv2.ctfrv2_dataset(col_dict, # Column Groups dictionary (see above)
window_len=192, # Context window size: int(historical series length + forecast_horizon)
fh=24, # forecast_horizon
batch=64, # Specify larger batch size if using 'prefill_buffers=True' in model.train()
min_nz=1, # Minimum non-zero values in the historical sequence to be considered as a training sample
interleave=1, # legacy. Leave as it is.
PARALLEL_DATA_JOBS=4, # Used for parallelisation. Specify as per available hardware.
col_index_dict = data_obj.col_index_dict # used to ascertain column positions in the dataframe
vocab = data_obj.vocab_list(df) # get full vocabulary of columns to be embedded
# Create Train & Test sets
trainset, testset = data_obj.train_test_dataset(df,
train_till=pd.to_datetime('2014-08-08 23:00:00', format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
test_till=pd.to_datetime('2014-08-31 23:00:00', format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
# Create loss function (a list of supported losses can be found by printing tft.supported_losses)
loss_fn = ctfrv2.QuantileLoss_v2(quantiles=[0.5], sample_weights=False)
var_model = ctfrv2.Feature_Weighted_ConvTransformer(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 2,
num_heads = 4,
kernel_sizes = [1,3,5],
d_model = 32,
forecast_horizon = 13,
max_inp_len = 13,
loss_type = 'Quantile',
num_quantiles = 1,
decoder_lags = 2,
var_model.train(train_dataset, # trainset obtain from data_objec using the dataobj.train_test_dataset() method
test_dataset, # testset obtain from data_objec using the dataobj.train_test_dataset() method
loss_function, # Any supported loss function defined in tft.supported_losses
metric='MSE', # Either 'MSE' or 'MAE'
learning_rate=0.0001, # Use higher lr only with valid clipnorm
prefill_buffers=False, # Indicates whether to create a static dataset (requires more memory but trains faster)
num_train_samples=200000, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False)
num_test_samples=50000, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False)
train_batch_size=64, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False, Batch Size specified in data object is used instead)
train_steps_per_epoch=200, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=True)
test_steps_per_epoch=100, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=True)
patience=10, # Max epochs to train without further drop in loss value (use higher patience when prefill_buffers=False)
weighted_training=False, # Whether to compute & optimize on the basis of weighted losses
opt=None, # provide own optimizer object (default is Adam/Nadam)
clipnorm=0.1) # max global norm applied. Used for stable training. Default is 'None'.
var_mode.train returns the path of best trained model.
# Steps to load pre-trained model
# Re-build model
var_model = ctfrv2.Feature_Weighted_Transformer() # Same parameters as the trained model
# load weights
# Steps to generate forecast
# create infer dataset
infer_dataset, _ = data_obj.infer_dataset(df, history_till=history_till, future_till=future_till)
# infer
forecast_df, features = var_model.infer(infer_dataset)
data_obj = sage.sage_dataset(...,scaling_method = 'mean_scaling') # Choose one of these methods ['mean_scaling','standard_scaling','no_scaling']
model = sage.SageModel(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 1,
num_heads = 4,
kernel_sizes = [1],
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = int(24),
max_inp_len = int(168),
loss_type = 'Quantile',
num_quantiles = 1,
dropout_rate = 0.1)
# Train Model
model.train(train_dataset, # trainset obtain from data_objec using the dataobj.train_test_dataset() method
test_dataset, # testset obtain from data_objec using the dataobj.train_test_dataset() method
loss_function, # Any supported loss function defined in tft.supported_losses
metric='MSE', # Either 'MSE' or 'MAE'
learning_rate=0.0001, # Use higher lr only with valid clipnorm
prefill_buffers=False, # Indicates whether to create a static dataset (requires more memory but trains faster)
num_train_samples=200000, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False)
num_test_samples=50000, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False)
train_batch_size=64, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False, Batch Size specified in data object is used instead)
test_batch_size=128, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=False, Batch Size specified in data object is used instead)
train_steps_per_epoch=200, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=True)
test_steps_per_epoch=100, # (NOT USED if prefill_buffers=True)
patience=10, # Max epochs to train without further drop in loss value (use higher patience when prefill_buffers=False)
weighted_training=False, # Whether to compute & optimize on the basis of weighted losses
load_model=None, # or, path of a previously saved model to continue training
opt=None, # provide own optimizer object (default is Adam/Nadam)
clipnorm=0.1, # max global norm applied. Used for stable training. Default is 'None'.
min_delta=0.0001, # Min decrease in validation loss to consider an epoch as improvement
shuffle=True) # shuffle train dataset after each epoch
# Inference Steps are similar to TFT or CTFRV2 models
data_obj = [tft_gpu | sage_gpu | ctfrv2_gpu].[tft | sage | ctfrv2]_dataset(col_dict=model_columns_dict,
batch: no. of unique ids to process at a time
max_per_key_train_samples, max_per_key_test_samples: Max samples to extract from a single time series (default: -1, will extract all possible samples. For e.g. if the timeseries has 100 data points & a window_len of 50 is used, 100 - 50 = 50 samples will be extracted by default)
scaling_method: mean, standard & no (external) scaling supported
model = sage_gpu.SageModel(col_index_dict = col_index_dict,
vocab_dict = vocab,
num_layers = 1,
num_heads = 4,
kernel_sizes = [1],
d_model = 64,
forecast_horizon = int(24),
max_inp_len = int(168),
loss_type = 'Quantile',
num_quantiles = 1,
dropout_rate = 0.1,
seed = <int>,
deterministic_ops = [True | False])
Poisson: ['loss_type: Poisson', 'Usage: Poisson_Loss(log_scale=False, sample_weights=False)']
Tweedie: ['loss_type: Tweedie', 'Usage: Tweedie_Loss(p=1.5, log_scale=False, sample_weights=False)']
Forecast ML library
We found that fmldk demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team breaks down a malicious wrapper package that uses obfuscation to harvest credentials and exfiltrate sensitive data.
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