GA for VQC Ansatz Search
This is a module to support Variational Quantum Circuits by optimizing the ansatz. The ansatz optimization is performed using a Genetic Algorithm, which can be parallelized with GPUs.
For a detailed example of using this package see the repository.
Run the following to install:
$ pip install ga-vqc
This module was developed through the Caltech SURF program. Special thanks
to my mentor at Caltech.
- Jean-Roch (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA)
import ga_vqc as gav
vqc_main = <'Function that handles running your VQC optimization'>
gates_dict = {"I": (1, 0), "RX": (1, 1), "CNOT": (2, 0)}
gates_probs = [0.35, 0.35, 0.3]
genepool = gav.Genepool(gates_dict, gates_probs)
vqc_config = {
'num_qubits': 3,
'etc': <'whatever config params your VQC model requires'>
ga_output_path = FILEPATH_FOR_GA_OUTPUT
config = gav.Config(vqc_main, vqc_config, genepool, ga_output_path)
ga = gav.setup(config)