Tools for GATE simulations.
Install with : pip install gatetools
Clone the repository with git clone --recursive
(or git submodule update --init
to update)
then cd GateTools
, then pip install -e .
Example of usage:
gt_image_convert input.dcm -o output.mhd
gt_image_convert input.mhd -o output_float.mhd -p float
gt_image_arithm *.mhd -o output.mhd -O sum
gt_gamma_index dose.mhd gate-DoseToWater.mhd -o gamma.mhd --dd 2 --dta 2.5 -u "%" -T 0.2
Use the flag -h
to get print the help of each tool. Here is the current list of command line tools.
Tool | Comment |
gt_affine_transform | Resample (resize, rotate) an image |
gt_dicom_info | Print tag values of a dicom file |
gt_dicom_rt_pbs2gate | Convert Dicom RT proton plan for Gate |
gt_dicom_rt_struct_to_image | Turn Dicom RT Struct contours into mask image |
gt_dvh | Create Dose Volume Histogram |
gt_gamma_index | Compute gamma index between images |
gt_gate_info | Display info about current Gate/G4 version |
gt_hausdorff | Compute Hausdorff distance |
gt_image_arithm | Pixel- or voxel-wise arithmetic operations |
gt_image_convert | Convert image file format (dicom, mhd, hdr, nii ... ) |
gt_image_crop | Crop an image |
gt_image_gauss | Blur an image using gaussian filter |
gt_image_resize | Resize an image |
gt_image_statistics | Statistics of an image |
gt_image_to_dicom_rt_struct | Convert mask image to Dicom RTStruct |
gt_image_uncertainty | Compute statistical uncertainty |
gt_merge_root | Merge root files |
gt_morpho_math | Compute morphological operation |
gt_phsp_convert | Convert a phase space file from root to npy |
gt_phsp_info | Display information about a phase space file |
gt_phsp_merge | Merge two phase space files (output in npy only) |
gt_phps_peaks | Try to detect photopeaks (experimental) |
gt_phsp_plot | Plot marginal distributions form a phase space file |
gt_write_dicom | Convert image (mhd, nii, ...) to dicom |
gt_digi_mac_converter | Convert old digitizer macros to the new commands (Gate9.3) |
All tools are also available to be use within your own Python script with, for example:
import gatetools as gt
gt.image_convert(inputImage, pixeltype)
Tests: run
python -m unittest gatetools -v
python -m unittest gatetools.phsp -v
Classes and function documentation. Use the following command to open a browser for documentation (it is still not very convenient ; will be improved later).
pydoc -b
For developers, please have a look at the file.