<img src=docs/source/_static/gvl_logo.png width="200">
GenVarLoader provides a fast, memory efficient data loader for training sequence models on genetic variation. For example, this can be used to train a DNA language model on human genetic variation (e.g. Nucleotide Transformer) or train sequence to function models with genetic variation (e.g. BigRNA).
- Avoids writing any sequences to disk
- Works with datasets that are larger than RAM
- Generates haplotypes up to 1,000 times faster than reading a FASTA file
- Generates tracks up to 450 times faster than reading a BigWig
- Supports indels and re-aligns tracks to haplotypes that have them
- Extensible to new file formats: drop a feature request! Currently supports VCF, PGEN, and BigWig
pip install genvarloader
A PyTorch dependency is not included since it may require special instructions.
Write a gvl.Dataset
GenVarLoader has both a CLI and Python API for writing datasets. The Python API provides some extra flexibility, for example for a multi-task objective.
genvarloader cool_dataset.gvl interesting_regions.bed --variants cool_variants.vcf --bigwig-table samples_to_bigwigs.csv --length 2048 --max-jitter 128
Where samples_to_bigwigs.csv
has columns sample
and path
mapping each sample to its BigWig.
This could equivalently be done in Python as:
import genvarloader as gvl
bigwigs=gvl.BigWigs.from_table("bigwig", "samples_to_bigwigs.csv"),
Open a gvl.Dataset
and get a PyTorch DataLoader
import genvarloader as gvl
dataset = gvl.Dataset.open(path="cool_dataset.gvl", reference="hg38.fa")
train_samples = ["David", "Aaron"]
train_dataset = dataset.subset_to(regions="train_regions.bed", samples=train_samples)
train_dataloader = train_dataset.to_dataloader(batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=1)
for haplotypes, tracks in train_dataloader:
Inspect specific instances
dataset[0, 9]
dataset.isel(regions=0, samples=9)
dataset.sel(regions=dataset.get_bed()[0], samples=dataset.samples[9])
dataset[:10, :5]
Transform the data on-the-fly
import seqpro as sp
from einops import rearrange
def transform(haplotypes, tracks):
ohe = sp.DNA.ohe(haplotypes)
ohe = rearrange(ohe, "batch length alphabet -> batch alphabet length")
return ohe, tracks
transformed_dataset = dataset.with_settings(transform=transform)
Pre-computing transformed tracks
Suppose we want to return tracks that are the z-scored, log(CPM + 1) version of the original. Sometimes it is better to write this to disk to avoid having to recompute it during training or inference.
import numpy as np
total_counts = np.load('total_counts.npy')
means = np.empty((train_dataset.n_regions, train_dataset.region_length), np.float32)
stds = np.empty_like(means)
just_tracks = train_dataset.with_settings(return_sequences=False, jitter=0)
for region in range(len(means)):
cpm = np.log1p(just_tracks[region, :] / total_counts[:, None] * 1e6)
means[region] = cpm.mean(0)
stds[region] = cpm.std(0)
def z_log_cpm(dataset_indices, region_indices, sample_indices, tracks: gvl.Ragged[np.float32]):
_tracks = tracks.data.reshape(-1, dataset.region_length)
_tracks = np.log1p(_tracks / total_counts[sample_indices, None] * 1e6)
_tracks = (_tracks - means[region_indices]) / stds[region_indices]
return gvl.Ragged.from_offsets(_tracks.ravel(), tracks.shape, tracks.offsets)
dataset_with_zlogcpm = dataset.write_transformed_track("z-log-cpm", "bigwig", transform=z_log_cpm)
haps_and_zlogcpm = dataset_with_zlogcpm.with_settings(return_tracks="z-log-cpm")
dataset = gvl.Dataset.open("cool_dataset.gvl", "hg38.fa", return_tracks="z-log-cpm")
Performance tips
- GenVarLoader uses multithreading extensively, so it's best to use 0 or 1 workers with your PyTorch
. - A GenVarLoader
is most efficient when given batches of indices, rather than one at a time. PyTorch DataLoader
by default uses one index at a time, so if you want to use a custom PyTorch Sampler
you should wrap it with a PyTorch BatchSampler
before passing it to Dataset.to_dataloader()