Github Enterprise cloud migration tool
This tool helps you do the below tasks
Github Migration
Jenkins BMX Migration
Make repos private
Update topics
Find new git URL for CI/CD changes (SNOW)
Github Migration
Migrates provided github repos from source org to target organization
Generate Github Personal Access Token
- Follow the steps here to generate personal access token. Copy the token.
- For github enterprise cloud, the token should be enabled with SAML SSO
- Follow the steps here
Access Needed
- The user who is running this tool, should be an admin on the source organization.
Make Repos private
Before running the tool for migration make all the repos private. You have to be an admin on the organization to do so
Github Migration
? What do you want to do? Make repos private
? Organization Name nike-platform-fulfillment
? github personal access token ****************************************
tesactions is internal, making it private
Made tesactions private for transfer
tesactions is internal, making it private
Running the tool
- Install python3
- On MAC OS -
brew install python3
- On Windows, download the installer from here
Run the below command to install the github migration tool
pip3 install --upgrade ghec-migration
Invoke the tool by running ghec-migration
Note: Set logging level by using environment variable LOGLEVEL
. Default is INFO
Output of the tool
➜ ~ ghec-migration
Github Migration
? What do you want to do? Github Migration
? Source github org nike-platform-fulfillment
? Target github org nike-internal
? Target Team Slug fulfillment-squad-artemis
? Target Team Admin Slug fulfillment-admins
? Team Prefix fulfillment
? Github access token <token>
? How do you want to get the repos? Provide list of Repos
? Provide the file with the repo names to be migrated /Users/vmari2/repos.txt
Logged in as user vmari2_nike
Reading repos from /Users/vmari2/repos.txt
Transferring publishgempoc to target organization
Adding user vmari2_nike as adming to repo publishgempoc
User vmari2_nike added as admin to the repo publishgempoc
Renaming publishgempoc to fulfillment.publishgempoc
Renamed successfully
Renaming master to main
Renamed master to main
Transferring repo publishgempoc to nike-internal
Transfer completed for repo publishgempoc
changing team level access
Changed fulfillment to be a push
Changed fulfillment-squad-artemis to be a maintain
Changed fulfillment-admins to be a admin
Changed fulfillment-external-contributors to be a push
Made publishgempoc internal after transfer
Removing user vmari2_nike as adming to repo publishgempoc
User vmari2_nike removed as admin to the repo publishgempoc
Completed transfer for publishgempoc
Jenkins Migration
We can change the github url in the bmx job using this tool
Generate a jenkins following the steps here
You can provide the list of jobs you want to change. Create a text file with all the jobs you want to reconfigure. Example can be found here
if you don't provide the list of jobs, all the jobs in the jenkins instance will be reconfigured
Github Migration
? What do you want to do? Jenkins BMX Migration
? Provide the jenkins url
? Provide the file with the list of jobs. Leave blank if you want to reconfigure all jobs in the jenkins instance jobs.txt
? Jenkins Token **********************************
? Jenkins Username
? New Github Org nike-internal
? Old Github Org(s). Provide comma separated values gflsdrepo
? Team Prefix fulfillment
? Provide the new credentials to Change credentials id. Leave blank if not changing
Update Topics on repos
This script finds the repos on which the given team has the provided access levels. For example, if you want to update topics on repos where fulfillment-squad-artemis
has maintain
access provide the below information
Postion | Argument | Description |
1 | Source_Org | the github organization name Ex nike-internal |
2 | team_slug | the team slug Ex: fulfillment-squad-artemis |
3 | access_level | the access level for the provided team - can take values ["push", "pull", "maintain", "admin", "triage"] |
4 | token | github access token |
5 | Additional Topics | Provide common separated topics ex: fulfillment,services |
Github Migration
? What do you want to do? Update topics
? Organization Name nike-internal
? Team Slug fulfillment-squad-artemis
? Select the permission level maintain
? Additional topics, comma separated artemis
? github personal access token ****************************************
Find new urls for CI/CD template update
As part of bulk migration, the CICD templates are updated with intermediate organization ex nike-platform-logistics
. You can use this tool to get the new URLs for the repos after migration
To run this, you will need the list of old repo URLS. This can be exported from service now
Create a text file with repo URLs. Run the tool selecting the right options
? What do you want to do? Find new git URL for CI/CD changes (SNOW)
? Source github organization nike-platform-fulfillment
? File path for the list of Old URLs old_urls.txt
? Github Token ****************************************
Getting new url for orderstatus
Getting new url for nikeidboxlabel
Getting new url for goodsissue
Getting new url for fgwschedulers
Completed process. The new git Urls can be found at new_references.csv
What this tool will not do
- update QMA config in service now
- Update
references to main
in Code like Jenkinsfile, etc - If you use build flows based on the branch, you have to update them accordingly
- Doesn't organize bmx jobs into folders
- It can't skip bmx jobs