This is a library for Google Nest Device Access
using the Smart Device Management API.
This can be used with the sandbox which requires Registration, accepting terms
and a fee.
You'll want to following the Get Started
guides for setup including steps in the google cloud console. Overall, this is
fairly complicated with many steps that are easy to get wrong. It is likely
worth it to make sure you can get the API working using their supplied curl
commands with your account before attempting to use this library.
This API was designed for use in Home Assistant following the advice in
Building a Python Library for an API.
If you are integrating this from outside Home Assistant, you'll need to
create your own oauth integration and token refresh mechanism and tooling.
Fetching Data
This is an example to use the command line tool to access the API:
# Initial call will ask you to authorize OAuth2 then cache the token
google_nest --project_id="${PROJECT_ID}" --client_id="${CLIENT_ID}" --client_secret="${CLIENT_SECRET}" list_structures
# Subsequent calls only need the project id
google_nest --project_id="${PROJECT_ID}" get_device "some-device-id"
google_nest --project_id="${PROJECT_ID}" set_mode COOL
google_nest --project_id="${PROJECT_ID}" set_cool 25.0
See Device Access: Getting Started: Subscribe to Events
for documentation on how to create a pull subscription.
You can create the subscription to use with the tool with these steps:
- Create the topic:
- Visit the Device Access Console
- Select a project
- Enable Pub/Sub and note the full
based on the project_id
- Create the subscriber:
This is an example to run the command line tool to subscribe:
google_nest --project_id="${PROJECT_ID}" subscribe ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -e .
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Running tests
$ pytest
# Running tests w/ Code Coverage
$ pytest --cov=google_nest_sdm tests/ --cov-report=term-missing
# Formatting and linting
$ pre-commit run --all-files
Funding and Support
If you are interested in donating money to this effort, instead send a
donation to Black Girls Code
which is a great organization growing the next generation of software engineers.