|License MIT| | |PyPi Package| | |PyPi Versions|
|Build Status| | |Test Coverage| | |Code Climate|
This library allows you to interact with HelpScout using Python.
Read The API Documentation <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout>
.. contents:: Table of Contents
Installation is easiest using Pip and PyPi::
pip install helpscout
If you would like to contribute, or prefer Git::
git clone https://github.com/LasLabs/python-helpscout.git
cd python-helpscout
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
The HelpScout object <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.html#helpscout.HelpScout>
is the primary point of interaction with the HelpScout API.
Connecting to the HelpScout API will require an API Key, which is generated from
within your HelpScout account. In the below example, our key is API_KEY
.. code-block:: python
from helpscout import HelpScout
hs = HelpScout('API_KEY')
API Endpoints
The HelpScout API endpoints are exposed as variables on the instantiated HelpScout
object. The available endpoints are:
Conversations Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.conversations>
_Customers Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.customers>
_Mailboxes Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.mailboxes>
_Tags Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.tags>
_Teams Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.teams>
_Users Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.users>
_WebHook Endpoint <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#module-helpscout.apis.web_hook>
They can also be viewed from the __apis__
property of HelpScout
{'Conversations': <helpscout.auth_proxy.AuthProxy object at 0x10783ddd0>,
'Customers': <helpscout.auth_proxy.AuthProxy object at 0x10783dd90>,
'Mailboxes': <helpscout.auth_proxy.AuthProxy object at 0x10783ded0>,
'Users': <helpscout.auth_proxy.AuthProxy object at 0x10783df50>,
'Teams': <helpscout.auth_proxy.AuthProxy object at 0x10783df10>,
API usage is as simple as calling the method with the required parameters and
iterating the results:
.. code-block:: python
for customer in hs.Customers.list(first_name='Help', last_name='Scout'):
The output from the above would look something like the below when using the
HelpScout demo data:
.. code-block:: python
This is the customer object itself (first print)
<helpscout.models.customer.Customer object at 0x10783df10>
This is the serialized form of the customer (second print)
{'chats': [],
'social_profiles': [],
'first_name': u'Help',
'last_name': u'Scout',
'phones': [],
'created_at': '2017-09-16T18:38:37Z',
'modified_at': '2017-09-16T18:38:37Z',
u'class': 'Customer',
'websites': [],
'id': 143161083,
'location': u'Boston, MA',
'full_name': u'Help Scout',
'gender': 'unknown',
'photo_type': 'gravatar',
'type': 'customer',
'emails': [],
'photo_url': u'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/7d599977ec288a9141317b352c04d497'}
In some instances, such as in the case of browsing for a record by its ID, a
singleton is expected. In these instances, the singleton is directly used
instead of iterated
.. code-block:: python
customer = hs.Customers.get(143161083)
<helpscout.models.customer.Customer object at 0x101723e50>
from pprint import pprint
{u'class': 'Customer',
'address': {u'class': 'Address',
'city': u'Boston',
'country': u'US',
'created_at': '2017-09-16T18:38:37Z',
'id': 4996350,
'lines': [u'131 Tremont Street', u'3rd Floor'],
'postal_code': u'02111-1338',
'state': u'MA'},
'chats': [],
'created_at': '2017-09-16T18:38:37Z',
'emails': [{u'class': 'Email',
'id': 189240662,
'location': 'work',
'value': u'help@helpscout.net'}],
'first_name': u'Help',
'full_name': u'Help Scout',
'gender': 'unknown',
'id': 143161083,
'last_name': u'Scout',
'location': u'Boston, MA',
'modified_at': '2017-09-16T18:38:37Z',
'phones': [{u'class': 'Phone',
'id': 189240668,
'location': 'work',
'value': u'855-435-7726'}],
'photo_type': 'gravatar',
'photo_url': u'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/7d599977ec288a9141317b352c04d497',
'social_profiles': [{u'class': 'SocialProfile',
'id': 189240667,
'type': 'twitter',
'value': u'http://twitter.com/helpscout'},
{u'class': 'SocialProfile',
'id': 189240663,
'type': 'twitter',
'value': u'https://twitter.com/helpscout'},
{u'class': 'SocialProfile',
'id': 189240664,
'type': 'twitter',
'value': u'https://twitter.com/HelpScoutDev'}],
'type': 'customer',
'websites': [{u'class': 'Website',
'id': 189240670,
'value': u'http://developer.helpscout.net'},
{u'class': 'Website',
'id': 189240665,
'value': u'http://status.helpscout.net/'},
{u'class': 'Website',
'id': 189240666,
'value': u'http://www.helpscout.com'},
{u'class': 'Website',
'id': 189240671,
'value': u'http://www.helpscout.net'}]}
Note that all of the API responses will be parsed, with proper objects being
created from the results. The objects are all defined in the helpscout.models package <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.models.html>
The .search()
method is implemented for the following endpoints:
Conversations Search <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#helpscout. apis.conversations.Conversations.search>
_Customers Search <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.apis.html#helpscout. apis.customers.Customers.search>
Search accepts either an instantiated Domain <https://laslabs.github.io/ python-helpscout/helpscout.domain.html#helpscout.domain.Domain>
, or an
iterator of queries <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout. domain.html#helpscout.domain.Domain.from_tuple>
.. code-block:: python
[('subject', 'Test1'),
('subject', 'Test2')',
('subject', 'Test3')',
The above is equivalent to a HelpScout query string of::
(subject:'Test1' OR subject:'Test2' OR subject:'Test3')
Following is a usage example:
.. code-block:: python
res = hs.Conversations.search([('subject', 'Learning')])
for r in res:
{'status': 'active', 'customer_email': u'help@helpscout.net', 'thread_count': 0, 'modified_at': '2017-09-16T18:38:37Z', 'number': 150, 'subject': u'Learning the basics', u'class': 'SearchConversation', 'has_attachments': False, 'mailbox_id': 122867, 'preview': u'Hey Dave, Above this message is what we call the Conversation Toolbar. From there you can take all sorts of actions on a Conversation. Hover your mouse over each of the icons to see what you can do....', 'id': 432907900, 'customer_name': u'Help Scout'}
Web Hooks
Web Hooks <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout. web_hook.html#helpscout.web_hook.web_hook.HelpScoutWebHook>
_ can be received by
instantiating a HelpScoutWebHook
the secret key that was configured while setting up the hook in your
HelpScout account:
.. code-block:: python
from helpscout import HelpScoutWebHook
hook = HelpScoutWebHook('your secret key')
In order to actually receive the request, call the receive method <https://laslabs.github.io/python-helpscout/helpscout.web_hook.html #helpscout.web_hook.web_hook.HelpScoutWebHook.receive>
_ on the instantiated
.. code-block:: python
signature = '2iFmnzC8SCNVF/iNiMnSe19yceU=\n' # (X-HelpScout-Signature
event_type = 'customer.created' # (X-HelpScout-Event
request_body = '{"firstName":"Jackie","lastName":"Chan",'
event = web_hook.receive(
event_type, signature, request_body,
The WebHookEvent
that is returned contains two properties:
(str): The type of event that is being representedrecord
(helpscout.BaseModel): The parsed data record for this request
Given the above example:
.. code-block:: python
<helpscout.models.customer.Customer object at 0x101723e50>
You create a web hook using the standard endpoint create:
.. code-block:: python
from helpscout.models import HelpScoutWebHook
hook = HelpScoutWebHook(
The above example will create a hook for the customer.created
event using
the pre-authenticated HelpScout
object from above examples (hs
Known Issues / RoadMap
- Add better validations (like regexes for emails)
- Verify required attributes, particularly when creating for API instead of
- Attachment handling in Conversations (Create/Delete Attachment)
- Raw email source handling in Conversations (Get Thread Source)
- Implement List Customers by Mailbox
- Implement Workflows
- Implement index lookup for the RequestPaginator (currently only response
iteration is supported)
- Make the domain add syntax more robust (right now AND + OR don't combine well)
- Docs API is not implemented
.. image:: https://laslabs.com/logo.png
:alt: LasLabs Inc.
:target: https://laslabs.com
This module is maintained by LasLabs Inc.
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