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Huckle is a CLI, and python library, that can act as an impostor for any CLI expressed via hypertext
command line interface (HCLI) semantics.
Huckle provides a way for developers to interact with, or script around, any API that exposes HCLI
semantics, while providing dynamic and up to date in-band access to all the API/CLI documentation,
man page style, which showcases commands, options, and parameters available for execution.
Most, if not all, programming languages have a way to issue shell commands. With the help
of a generic HCLI client such as Huckle, APIs that make use of HCLI semantics are readily consumable
anywhere via the familiar CLI mode of operation, and this, without there being a need to write
a custom and dedicated CLI to interact with a specific API.
Huckle can also be used as a python library to interact with HCLI APIs via python code in much the
same way as would be the case in a bash terminal.
You can access a simple example HCLI service to play with huckle on http://hcli.io [1]
The HCLI Internet-Draft [2] is a work in progress by the author and
the current implementation leverages hal+json alongside a static form of ALPS
(semantic profile) [3] to help enable widespread cross media-type support.
Help shape huckle and HCLI on the discussion list [4] or by raising issues on github!
[1] http://hcli.io
[2] https://github.com/cometaj2/I-D/tree/master/hcli
[3] http://alps.io
[4] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/huck-hypermedia-unified-cli-with-a-kick
Install Python, pip and huckle
Huckle requires bash with access to man pages, Python and pip. Install a supported version of Python for your system.
Install huckle via Python's pip:
.. code-block:: console
pip install huckle
Basic usage
huckle env
This provides a sample environment configuration for your PATH environment variable. This can be permanently configured
for your environment by adding the command 'eval $(huckle env) in your shell startup configuration
(e.g. .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile)
huckle cli install <url>
This attempts to auto create and configure a CLI name if provided with the root URL of an HCLI API.
If successful, the CLI can be invoked by name, after updating the path (see 'huckle env'). You can permanently enable
HCLI entrypoint scripts by adding 'eval $(huckle env) to your a ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.profile.
Note that an existing configuration file is left alone if the command is run multiple times
for the same CLI.
An example HCLI that can be used with Huckle is available on hcli.io:
- `<http://hcli.io/hcli/cli/jsonf?command=jsonf>`_ (HCLI root)
- `<http://hcli.io/hal/#/hcli/cli/jsonf?command=jsonf>`_ (HAL Browser navigation)
Alternatively, a WSGI application can be stood up very quickly using sample HCLIs available via hcli_core `<https://pypi.org/project/hcli-core/>`_
huckle cli run <cliname>
This invokes the cliname to issue HCLI API calls; the details of which are left to API implementers.
Commands, options and parameters are presented gradually, to provide users with a way to
incrementally discover and learn how the CLI is used.
<cliname> ...
For brevity, the CLI name can and should be invoked directly rather than through "huckle cli run \<cliname>.
<cliname> ... help
The reserved "help" command can be used anywhere in a command line sequence to have huckle generate
a man page from the last successfully received HCLI Document. This helps with CLI exploration.
huckle help
This opens up a man page that describes how to use huckle.
Python Library - Basic Usage
Here's a basic flask PWA example that incorporates huckle usage as a python library to get data
from an HCLI data aggregation service called 'hleg' running locally on port 9000 and a jsonf HCLI hosted on hcli.io.
.. code-block:: python
import flask
import config
import json
import logger
import sys
import io
import traceback
from huckle import cli
from flask import Flask, render_template, send_file, jsonify, Response
logging = logger.Logger()
def webapp():
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
chunks = cli("huckle --version")
for dest, chunk in chunks:
if dest == 'stdout':
cli("huckle cli install")
logging.info("Refreshing legislation information...")
chunks = cli("hleg ls")
json_string = ""
for dest, chunk in chunks: # Now unpacking tuple of (dest, chunk)
if dest == 'stdout':
json_string += chunk.decode()
data = json.loads(json_string)
return render_template('table.html', bills=data)
except Exception as error:
return render_template('table.html', bills="[]")
def serve_manifest():
return app.send_static_file('manifest.json')
def serve_sw():
return app.send_static_file('sw.js')
return app
Huckle uses small scripts under ~/.huckle/bin to enable CLIs to be invoked by name.
Huckle also uses CLI configuration files (e.g. ~/.huckle/etc/<cliname>/config) to associate a specific
CLI to an HCLI API root URL and other CLI specific configuration.
This project makes use of semantic versioning (http://semver.org) and may make use of the "devx",
"prealphax", "alphax" "betax", and "rcx" extensions where x is a number (e.g. 0.3.0-prealpha1)
on github. Only full major.minor.patch releases will be pushed to pip from now on.
Support various authentication and/or passthrough per CLI configuration
- HTTP Basic Auth
- HCLI Core API Key Authentication (HCOAK)
HCLI version 1.0 semantics for:
Automatic man page generation with the "help" command, anywhere in a CLI.
Command line execution responses for
- Handles very large stdin/stdout streams (fixed chunk size of 16834)
SOCKS tunneling through environment variables (ALL_PROXY)
Auto configuration of a CLI when provided with an HCLI API root URL (e.g. huckle cli install <http://hcli.io/hcli/cli/jsonf?command=jsonf>
Listing of installed CLIs
Listing of the configuration of a CLI
Auto discovery of cli link relations when attempting to install from a root resource that isn't an hcli-document.
URL pinning/caching, and cache flushing, of successfully traversed final execution URLs, to speed up execution of already executed command sequences.
Use as a python library along with simple stdin-and-stdout-like data streaming.
RFC 9457, per HCLI specification, to help yield consistent stderr output.
Customizable logging and log level configuration for debugging and for stderr messages.
HCLI configuration and credentials management via huckle commands
Keyring as credential helper (see <https://github.com/jaraco/keyring>
To Do
Fork restnavigator repo or otherwise adjust to use restnavigator with requests (single http client instead of two)
Support help docs output in the absence of man pages (e.g. git-bash on Windows)
Support HCLI version 1.0 semantics for:
- Collection+JSON
- hal+xml
- Uber
- Siren
- Mason
Support stream configuration
- sending and receiving streams (configurable via CLI config)
- sending and receiving non-streams (configuration via CLI config)
- chunk size for streams send/receive (configurable via CLI config)
Support non-stream send/receive (via CLI configuration)
Support various authentication and/or passthrough per CLI configuration
- HTTP Digest
- Oauth2
- X509 (HTTPS mutual authentication)
Better implementation for huckle params/options handling
Support for viewing information about an HCLI root (e.g. huckle view <http://hcli.io/hcli/cli/jsonf?command=jsonf>
Support forward proxy configuration through proxy environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY)
Support hcli name conflic resolution (use namespaces?)
- View currently selected namespace (e.g. huckle ns)
- Viewing namespace list (e.g. huckle ns list)
- Selecting a namespace (e.g. huckle ns use abc)
- Remove an entire namespace and all associated CLIs (e.g. huckle ns rm abc)
- Support adding and removing CLIs to namespaces
Support multipart/form-data for very large uploads (see requests-toolbelt)
Support HCLI nativization
Support better help output for python library use
Support better Huckle configuration and HCLI customization for python library use
Support full in memory configuration use to avoid filesystem files in a python library use context
Add circleci tests for python library use (input and output streaming)
- An old cache (pinned urls) can sometimes yield unexpected failures. This has been observed with hcli_hc.
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:target: https://circleci.com/gh/cometaj2/huckle
.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/huckle?label=huckle
:target: https://pypi.org/project/huckle
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:target: https://pypi.org/project/huckle