i38e-utils is a collection of utility functions and classes that I use in my BI projects.
It is a work in progress and will be updated as I add more functionality.
The utilities are designed to work with Django, OpenStreetMaps and NetworkX
Currently, it includes the following:
- DfHelper: A class designed to facilitate data handling and operations within a Django project, particularly focusing on loading data from both parquet files and a database, and potentially saving data to parquet format.
- GeoLocationService: A class that provides a set of utility functions for working with GeoPy and Nominatim.
- OsmxHelper: A class that provides a set of utility functions for working with Osmnx maps.
- data_utils: A set of utility functions/classes for working with data.
- date_utils: A set of utility functions for working with dates.
- df_utils: A set of utility functions for working with pandas DataFrames.
- file_utils: A set of utility functions for working with files.
- log_utils: A set of utility functions for working with logs.
To install this project, follow these steps:
pip install i38e-utils
DfHelper: Dataframe Helper Class
DfHelper is designed to be subclassed. For example, the following use case, connects to a table containing gps transactions
and encapsulates data cleaning operations. The resulting object can be queried via the "load" method using Django's query
language syntax. The object can also be instantiated in debug and verbose mode.
The object returns Dataframe objects either as pandas (by default) or dask. It is recommended to use dask for large datasets
which may benefit from dask parallelization architecture.
- Connect to a database table using a Django's ORM connection, query, transform and convert the data to a pandas DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from i38e_utils.df_helper import DfHelper
phone_mobile_gps_fields = {
'id_tracking': 'id',
'id_producto': 'product_id',
'pk_empleado': 'associate_id',
'latitud': 'latitude',
'longitud': 'longitude',
'fecha_hora_servidor': 'server_dt',
'fecha_hora': 'date_time',
'accion': 'action',
'descripcion': 'description',
'imei': 'imei'
class GpsCube(DfHelper):
df: pd.DataFrame = None
live: bool = False
save_parquet = True
'connection_name': 'replica',
'table': 'asm_tracking_movil_gps',
'field_map': phone_mobile_gps_fields,
'legacy_filters': True,
def __init__(self, **opts):
config = {**self.config, **opts}
def load(self, **kwargs):
self.df = super().load(**kwargs)
return self.df
def fix_data(self):
self.df['latitude'] = self.df['latitude'].astype(np.float64)
self.df['longitude'] = self.df['longitude'].astype(np.float64)```python
gps_cube=GpsCube(live=True, debug=False,df_as_dask=True)
gps_cube.save_to_parquet(df, parquet_full_path='gpscube.parquet')
- Use a parquet storage file or folder structure to load data and perform some transformations.
import pandas as pd
from i38e_utils.df_helper import DfHelper
class GpsParquetCube(DfHelper):
df: pd.DataFrame = None
'use_parquet': True,
'df_as_dask': True,
'parquet_storage_path': '/storage/data/parquet/gps',
'parquet_start_date': '2024-01-01',
'parquet_end_date': '2024-03-31',
def __init__(self, **opts):
config = {**self.config, **opts}
def load(self, **kwargs):
self.df = super().load(**kwargs)
return self.df
params = {
'associate_id': 27,
'date_time__date__range': ['2024-03-01','2024-03-31']
dask_df = GpsParquetCube().load(**params)
df = dask_df.compute()
osmnx_helper: Base Map and Utilities
Use case: Create a heat map with time using a DfHelper cube with gps data
from i38e_utils.osmnx_helper import BaseOsmMap
from i38e_utils.osmnx_helper.utils import get_graph
import folium
options = {
'ox_files_save_path': 'path/to/pbf/files',
'network_type': 'all',
'place': 'Costa Rica',
'files_prefix': 'costa-rica-',
'rebuild': False,
'verbose': False
class ActivityHeatMapWithTime(BaseOsmMap):
def __init__(self, df, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('dt_field', 'date_time')
G, _, _ = get_graph(**options)
self.heat_time_index = []
super().__init__(G, df, **kwargs)
def process_map(self):
self.heat_time_index = sorted(list(self.df[self.dt_field].dt.hour.unique()))
heat_data_time = [[[row[self.lat_col], row[self.lon_col]] for index, row in
self.df[self.df[self.dt_field].apply(lambda x: x.hour == j)].iterrows()] for j in self.heat_time_index]
hm = folium.plugins.HeatMapWithTime(heat_data_time, index=self.heat_time_index)
to create a heatmap using a Dataframe of GPS Data
map_options.setdefault("map_html_title","Activity Heatmap")
map_options.setdefault("dt_field", "date_time")
map_options.setdefault("max_bounds", False)
heat_map=ActivityHeatMapWithTime(df, **map_options)