IMS Package Documentation
The Independent Marketing Sciences package is a Python library designed to process incoming data into a format tailored for projects, particularly those utilising weekly time series data. This package offers a suite of functions for efficient data collection, manipulation, visualisation and analysis.
Key Features
- Seamless data processing for time series workflows.
- Aggregation, filtering, and transformation of time series data.
- Visualising Data
- Integration with external data sources like FRED, Bank of England and ONS.
Table of Contents
- Usage
- Data Processing for Time Series
- Data Processing for Incrementality Testing
- Data Visualisations
- Data Pulling
- Installation
- License
- Roadmap
from imsciences import dataprocessing, geoprocessing, datapull, datavis
ims_proc = dataprocessing()
ims_geo = geoprocessing()
ims_pull = datapull()
ims_vis = datavis()
Data Processing for Time Series
1. get_wd_levels
- Description: Get the working directory with the option of moving up parents.
- Usage:
- Example:
2. aggregate_daily_to_wc_long
- Description: Aggregates daily data into weekly data, grouping and summing specified columns, starting on a specified day of the week.
- Usage:
aggregate_daily_to_wc_long(df, date_column, group_columns, sum_columns, wc, aggregation='sum')
- Example:
aggregate_daily_to_wc_long(df, 'date', ['platform'], ['cost', 'impressions', 'clicks'], 'mon', 'average')
3. convert_monthly_to_daily
- Description: Converts monthly data in a DataFrame to daily data by expanding and dividing the numeric values.
- Usage:
convert_monthly_to_daily(df, date_column, divide=True)
- Example:
convert_monthly_to_daily(df, 'date')
4. week_of_year_mapping
- Description: Converts a week column in 'yyyy-Www' or 'yyyy-ww' format to week commencing date.
- Usage:
week_of_year_mapping(df, week_col, start_day_str)
- Example:
week_of_year_mapping(df, 'week', 'mon')
5. rename_cols
- Description: Renames columns in a pandas DataFrame with a specified prefix or format.
- Usage:
rename_cols(df, name='ame_')
- Example:
rename_cols(df, 'ame_facebook')
6. merge_new_and_old
- Description: Creates a new DataFrame by merging old and new dataframes based on a cutoff date.
- Usage:
merge_new_and_old(old_df, old_col, new_df, new_col, cutoff_date, date_col_name='OBS')
- Example:
merge_new_and_old(df1, 'old_col', df2, 'new_col', '2023-01-15')
7. merge_dataframes_on_column
- Description: Merge a list of DataFrames on a common column.
- Usage:
merge_dataframes_on_column(dataframes, common_column='OBS', merge_how='outer')
- Example:
merge_dataframes_on_column([df1, df2, df3], common_column='OBS', merge_how='outer')
8. merge_and_update_dfs
- Description: Merges two dataframes, updating columns from the second dataframe where values are available.
- Usage:
merge_and_update_dfs(df1, df2, key_column)
- Example:
merge_and_update_dfs(processed_facebook, finalised_meta, 'OBS')
9. convert_us_to_uk_dates
- Description: Convert a DataFrame column with mixed US and UK date formats to datetime.
- Usage:
convert_us_to_uk_dates(df, date_col)
- Example:
convert_us_to_uk_dates(df, 'date')
10. combine_sheets
- Description: Combines multiple DataFrames from a dictionary into a single DataFrame.
- Usage:
- Example:
combine_sheets({'Sheet1': df1, 'Sheet2': df2})
11. pivot_table
- Description: Dynamically pivots a DataFrame based on specified columns.
- Usage:
pivot_table(df, index_col, columns, values_col, filters_dict=None, fill_value=0, aggfunc='sum', margins=False, margins_name='Total', datetime_trans_needed=True, reverse_header_order=False, fill_missing_weekly_dates=False, week_commencing='W-MON')
- Example:
pivot_table(df, 'OBS', 'Channel Short Names', 'Value', filters_dict={'Master Include': ' == 1'}, fill_value=0)
12. apply_lookup_table_for_columns
- Description: Maps substrings in columns to new values based on a dictionary.
- Usage:
apply_lookup_table_for_columns(df, col_names, to_find_dict, if_not_in_dict='Other', new_column_name='Mapping')
- Example:
apply_lookup_table_for_columns(df, col_names, {'spend': 'spd'}, if_not_in_dict='Other', new_column_name='Metrics Short')
13. aggregate_daily_to_wc_wide
- Description: Aggregates daily data into weekly data and pivots it to wide format.
- Usage:
aggregate_daily_to_wc_wide(df, date_column, group_columns, sum_columns, wc='sun', aggregation='sum', include_totals=False)
- Example:
aggregate_daily_to_wc_wide(df, 'date', ['platform'], ['cost', 'impressions'], 'mon', 'average', True)
14. merge_cols_with_seperator
- Description: Merges multiple columns in a DataFrame into one column with a specified separator.
- Usage:
merge_cols_with_seperator(df, col_names, separator='_', output_column_name='Merged')
- Example:
merge_cols_with_seperator(df, ['Campaign', 'Product'], separator='|', output_column_name='Merged Columns')
15. check_sum_of_df_cols_are_equal
- Description: Checks if the sum of two columns in two DataFrames are equal and provides the difference.
- Usage:
check_sum_of_df_cols_are_equal(df_1, df_2, cols_1, cols_2)
- Example:
check_sum_of_df_cols_are_equal(df_1, df_2, 'Media Cost', 'Spend')
16. convert_2_df_cols_to_dict
- Description: Creates a dictionary from two DataFrame columns.
- Usage:
convert_2_df_cols_to_dict(df, key_col, value_col)
- Example:
convert_2_df_cols_to_dict(df, 'Campaign', 'Channel')
17. create_FY_and_H_columns
- Description: Adds financial year and half-year columns to a DataFrame based on a start date.
- Usage:
create_FY_and_H_columns(df, index_col, start_date, starting_FY, short_format='No', half_years='No', combined_FY_and_H='No')
- Example:
create_FY_and_H_columns(df, 'Week', '2022-10-03', 'FY2023', short_format='Yes')
18. keyword_lookup_replacement
- Description: Updates values in a column based on a lookup dictionary with conditional logic.
- Usage:
keyword_lookup_replacement(df, col, replacement_rows, cols_to_merge, replacement_lookup_dict, output_column_name='Updated Column')
- Example:
keyword_lookup_replacement(df, 'channel', 'Paid Search Generic', ['channel', 'segment'], lookup_dict, output_column_name='Channel New')
19. create_new_version_of_col_using_LUT
- Description: Creates a new column based on a lookup table applied to an existing column.
- Usage:
create_new_version_of_col_using_LUT(df, keys_col, value_col, dict_for_specific_changes, new_col_name='New Version of Old Col')
- Example:
create_new_version_of_col_using_LUT(df, 'Campaign Name', 'Campaign Type', lookup_dict)
20. convert_df_wide_2_long
- Description: Converts a wide-format DataFrame into a long-format DataFrame.
- Usage:
convert_df_wide_2_long(df, value_cols, variable_col_name='Stacked', value_col_name='Value')
- Example:
convert_df_wide_2_long(df, ['col1', 'col2'], variable_col_name='Var', value_col_name='Val')
21. manually_edit_data
- Description: Manually updates specified cells in a DataFrame based on filters.
- Usage:
manually_edit_data(df, filters_dict, col_to_change, new_value, change_in_existing_df_col='No', new_col_to_change_name='New', manual_edit_col_name=None, add_notes='No', existing_note_col_name=None, note=None)
- Example:
manually_edit_data(df, {'col1': '== 1'}, 'col2', 'new_val', add_notes='Yes', note='Manual Update')
22. format_numbers_with_commas
- Description: Formats numerical columns with commas and a specified number of decimal places.
- Usage:
format_numbers_with_commas(df, decimal_length_chosen=2)
- Example:
format_numbers_with_commas(df, decimal_length_chosen=1)
23. filter_df_on_multiple_conditions
- Description: Filters a DataFrame based on multiple column conditions.
- Usage:
filter_df_on_multiple_conditions(df, filters_dict)
- Example:
filter_df_on_multiple_conditions(df, {'col1': '>= 5', 'col2': '== 'val''})
24. read_and_concatenate_files
- Description: Reads and concatenates files from a specified folder into a single DataFrame.
- Usage:
read_and_concatenate_files(folder_path, file_type='csv')
- Example:
read_and_concatenate_files('/path/to/files', file_type='xlsx')
25. upgrade_outdated_packages
- Description: Upgrades all outdated Python packages except specified ones.
- Usage:
- Example:
upgrade_outdated_packages(exclude_packages=['pip', 'setuptools'])
26. convert_mixed_formats_dates
- Description: Converts mixed-format date columns into standardized datetime format.
- Usage:
convert_mixed_formats_dates(df, column_name)
- Example:
convert_mixed_formats_dates(df, 'date_col')
27. fill_weekly_date_range
- Description: Fills in missing weekly dates in a DataFrame with a specified frequency.
- Usage:
fill_weekly_date_range(df, date_column, freq='W-MON')
- Example:
fill_weekly_date_range(df, 'date_col')
28. add_prefix_and_suffix
- Description: Adds prefixes and/or suffixes to column names, with an option to exclude a date column.
- Usage:
add_prefix_and_suffix(df, prefix='', suffix='', date_col=None)
- Example:
add_prefix_and_suffix(df, prefix='pre_', suffix='_suf', date_col='date_col')
29. create_dummies
- Description: Creates dummy variables for columns, with an option to add a total dummy column.
- Usage:
create_dummies(df, date_col=None, dummy_threshold=0, add_total_dummy_col='No', total_col_name='total')
- Example:
create_dummies(df, date_col='date_col', dummy_threshold=1)
30. replace_substrings
- Description: Replaces substrings in a column based on a dictionary, with options for case conversion and new column creation.
- Usage:
replace_substrings(df, column, replacements, to_lower=False, new_column=None)
- Example:
replace_substrings(df, 'text_col', {'old': 'new'}, to_lower=True, new_column='updated_text')
31. add_total_column
- Description: Adds a total column to a DataFrame by summing values across columns, optionally excluding one.
- Usage:
add_total_column(df, exclude_col=None, total_col_name='Total')
- Example:
add_total_column(df, exclude_col='date_col')
32. apply_lookup_table_based_on_substring
- Description: Categorizes text in a column using a lookup table based on substrings.
- Usage:
apply_lookup_table_based_on_substring(df, column_name, category_dict, new_col_name='Category', other_label='Other')
- Example:
apply_lookup_table_based_on_substring(df, 'text_col', {'sub1': 'cat1', 'sub2': 'cat2'})
33. compare_overlap
- Description: Compares overlapping periods between two DataFrames and summarizes differences.
- Usage:
compare_overlap(df1, df2, date_col)
- Example:
compare_overlap(df1, df2, 'date_col')
34. week_commencing_2_week_commencing_conversion_isoweekday
- Description: Maps dates to the start of the current ISO week based on a specified weekday.
- Usage:
week_commencing_2_week_commencing_conversion_isoweekday(df, date_col, week_commencing='mon')
- Example:
week_commencing_2_week_commencing_conversion_isoweekday(df, 'date_col', week_commencing='fri')
- Description: Splits data into train/test sets, trains XGBoost and Random Forest on all features, extracts top features based on feature importance, merges them, optionally retrains models on top and combined features, and returns a dict of results.
- Usage:
seasonality_feature_extraction(df, kpi_var, n_features=10, test_size=0.1, random_state=42, shuffle=False)
- Example:
seasonality_feature_extraction(df, 'kpi_total_sales', n_features=5, test_size=0.2, random_state=123, shuffle=True)
Data Processing for Incrementality Testing
1. pull_ga
- Description: Pull in GA4 data for geo experiments.
- Usage:
pull_ga(credentials_file, property_id, start_date, country, metrics)
- Example:
pull_ga('GeoExperiment-31c5f5db2c39.json', '111111111', '2023-10-15', 'United Kingdom', ['totalUsers', 'newUsers'])
2. process_itv_analysis
- Description: Processes region-level data for geo experiments by mapping ITV regions, grouping selected metrics, merging with media spend data, and saving the result.
- Usage:
process_itv_analysis(self, raw_df, itv_path, cities_path, media_spend_path, output_path, test_group, control_group, columns_to_aggregate, aggregator_list)
- Example:
process_itv_analysis(df, 'itv regional mapping.csv', 'Geo_Mappings_with_Coordinates.xlsx', 'IMS.xlsx', 'itv_for_test_analysis_itvx.csv', ['West', 'Westcountry', 'Tyne Tees'], ['Central Scotland', 'North Scotland'], ['newUsers', 'transactions'], ['sum', 'sum'])
3. process_city_analysis
- Description: Processes city-level data for geo experiments by grouping selected metrics, merging with media spend data, and saving the result.
- Usage:
process_city_analysis(raw_df, spend_df, output_path, test_group, control_group, columns_to_aggregate, aggregator_list)
- Example:
process_city_analysis(df, spend, output, ['Barnsley'], ['Aberdeen'], ['newUsers', 'transactions'], ['sum', 'sum'])
Data Visualisations
1. plot_one
- Description: Plots a specified column from a DataFrame with white background and black axes.
- Usage:
plot_one(df1, col1, date_column)
- Example:
plot_one(df, 'sales', 'date')
2. plot_two
- Description: Plots specified columns from two DataFrames, optionally on the same or separate y-axes.
- Usage:
plot_two(df1, col1, df2, col2, date_column, same_axis=True)
- Example:
plot_two(df1, 'sales', df2, 'revenue', 'date', same_axis=False)
3. plot_chart
- Description: Plots various chart types using Plotly, including line, bar, scatter, area, pie, etc.
- Usage:
plot_chart(df, date_col, value_cols, chart_type='line', title='Chart', x_title='Date', y_title='Values')
- Example:
plot_chart(df, 'date', ['sales', 'revenue'], chart_type='line', title='Sales and Revenue')
Data Pulling
1. pull_fred_data
- Description: Fetch data from FRED using series ID tokens.
- Usage:
pull_fred_data(week_commencing, series_id_list)
- Example:
pull_fred_data('mon', ['GPDIC1', 'Y057RX1Q020SBEA', 'GCEC1', 'ND000333Q', 'Y006RX1Q020SBEA'])
2. pull_boe_data
- Description: Fetch and process Bank of England interest rate data.
- Usage:
- Example:
3. pull_oecd
- Description: Fetch macroeconomic data from OECD for a specified country.
- Usage:
pull_oecd(country='GBR', week_commencing='mon', start_date='2020-01-01')
- Example:
pull_oecd('GBR', 'mon', '2000-01-01')
4. get_google_mobility_data
- Description: Fetch Google Mobility data for the specified country.
- Usage:
get_google_mobility_data(country, wc)
- Example:
get_google_mobility_data('United Kingdom', 'mon')
5. pull_seasonality
- Description: Generate combined dummy variables for seasonality, trends, and COVID lockdowns.
- Usage:
pull_seasonality(week_commencing, start_date, countries)
- Example:
pull_seasonality('mon', '2020-01-01', ['US', 'GB'])
6. pull_weather
- Description: Fetch and process historical weather data for the specified country.
- Usage:
pull_weather(week_commencing, start_date, country)
- Example:
pull_weather('mon', '2020-01-01', 'GBR')
7. pull_macro_ons_uk
- Description: Fetch and process time series data from the Beta ONS API.
- Usage:
pull_macro_ons_uk(additional_list, week_commencing, sector)
- Example:
pull_macro_ons_uk(['HBOI'], 'mon', 'fast_food')
8. pull_yfinance
- Description: Fetch and process time series data from Yahoo Finance.
- Usage:
pull_yfinance(tickers, week_start_day)
- Example:
pull_yfinance(['^FTMC', '^IXIC'], 'mon')
9. pull_sports_events
- Description: Pull a veriety of sports events primaraly football and rugby.
- Usage:
pull_sports_events(start_date, week_commencing)
- Example:
pull_sports_events('2020-01-01', 'mon')
Install the IMS package via pip:
pip install imsciences
This project is licensed under the MIT License. ![License](
- [Fixes]: Naming conventions are inconsistent/ have changed from previous seasonality tools (eg. 'seas_nyd' is named 'seas_new_years_day', 'week_1' is named 'seas_1')
- [Fixes]: Naming conventions can be inconsistent within the data pull (suffix on some var is 'gb' on some it is 'uk' and for others there is no suffix) - furthermore, there is a lack of consistency for global holidays/events (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc) - some have regional suffix and others don't.
- [Additions]: Need to add new data pulls for more macro and seasonal varibles