Dependency injection container made for python
- Easy to use interface
- Extensible with custom dependency resolvers
- Automatic dependency injection (Autowiring)
- Lightweight
- Support for async with asyncio
pip install kink
If you don't know poetry, I highly recommend visiting their webpage
poetry add kink
Why using dependency injection in python?
Short story
Because python is a multi paradigm language and this should encourage
you to use best OOP practices improving your workflow and your code and have more time
for your hobbies and families instead monkey-patching entire world.
Long story
Dependency happens when one component (component might be a class, or a function) A
uses other component
. We say than that A
depends on B
Instead hardcoding dependency inside your components and making your code tightly coupled
you are loosing it by providing(injecting) required behaviour either by subclassing or
plugging additional code. This is called Inversion of Control
which keeps your code
oriented around behaviour rather than control. There are many benefits coming out of it:
- increased modularity
- better extensibility and flexibility
- it helps you understand higher concepts like event driven programming
This is where dependency injection comes in place. Dependency injection is a specific
style of inversion of control, which generally says instead hardcoding dependency pass
dependant object as a parameter to a method rather than having method creating it itself.
( who would thought it is so easy :)? ). It can go even further than that; when you pass
a dependency don't rely on a particular implementation rely on an abstraction (Dependency Inversion Principle
So you might ask why do I need it? Here is couple reasons:
Relying on the global state is evil
Coding is hard enough ( business requirements are changing all the time, deadlines are
shortening, clients wants more, there are so many unknowns you have to figure out),
relying on unpredictable state makes it even harder:
- it might introduce potential bugs
- makes code harder to maintain
- concurrency becomes harder to achieve
- balancing mokey-patching well is a hard task
Great, but now I have additional work I have to manage now all my dependencies write more code and deadlines are coming even closer!
True, that is why you should pick up Dependency Injection Container to do all this work
for you. Kink gives you one decorator and simple dict-like
object to bootstrap and manipulate
your container.
No need for manual work and manual dependency management. Give it a try and you will love it!
To fully utilise the potential of kink it is recommended to bootstrap your initial dependencies
(config values, or instances of classes that are standalone, requires no other dependencies than themselves).
Some people prefer to keep it in
in the top module of your application, other
create separate
file for this purpose. Once all is setup the only step left
is to decorate your classes/functions with @inject
Bootstrapping/Adding services manually
Adding service to di container
Dependency container is a dict-like object, adding new service to dependency container is as
simple as the following example:
from kink import di
from os import getenv
di["db_name"] = getenv("DB_NAME")
di["db_password"] = getenv("DB_PASSWORD")
Adding on-demand service to dependency injection container
Kink also supports on-demand service creation. In order to define such a service,
lambda function should be used:
from kink import di
from sqlite3 import connect
di["db_connection"] = lambda di: connect(di["db_name"])
In this scenario connection to database will not be established until service is requested.
Adding factorised services to dependency injection
Factorised services are services that are instantiated every time they are requested.
from kink import di
from sqlite3 import connect
di.factories["db_connection"] = lambda di: connect(di["db_name"])
connection_1 = di["db_connection"]
connection_2 = di["db_connection"]
connection_1 != connection_2
In the above example we defined factorised service db_connection
, and below by accessing the service from di we created
two separate connection to database.
Requesting services from dependency injection container
To access given service just reference it inside di
like you would do this with
a normal dictionary, full example below:
from kink import di
from sqlite3 import connect
di["db_name"] = "test_db.db"
di["db_connection"] = lambda di: connect(di["db_name"])
connection = di["db_connection"]
assert connection == di["db_connection"]
Autowiring dependencies
Autowiring is the ability of the container to automatically create and inject dependencies.
It detects dependencies of the component tries to search for references in the container
and if all references are present an instance of requested service is returned.
Autowiring system in kink works in two ways:
- matching argument's names
- matching argument's type annotation
How dependencies are prioritised by autowiring mechanism
Autowiring mechanism priorities dependencies automatically, so when multiple
matches are found for the service this is how it works;
Firstly passed arguments are prioritied - if you pass arguments manually to the service
they will take precendence over anything else. Next argument's names are taken into
consideration and last but not least argument's type annotations.
Matching argument's names
If you don't like type annotations or would like to take advantage of autowiring's
precedence mechanism use this style.
This is a very simple mechanism we have already seen in previous examples.
Autowiring system checks function argument's names and tries to search for
services with the same names inside the container.
Matching argument's type annotations
If you are like me and like type annotations and use static analysis tools this is
a preferred way working with DI container.
In this scenario names are ignored instead argument's type annotations are inspected
and looked up inside di container. This requires aliases when bootstrapping
your services in DI container or simply adding them to container in the way that
its type is the key by which service is accessed. Please consider the following example:
from kink import di, inject
from sqlite3 import connect, Connection
di["db_name"] = "test_db.db"
di[Connection] = lambda di: connect(di["db_name"])
class UserRepository:
def __init__(self, db: Connection):
self.db = db
repo = di[UserRepository]
assert repo.db == di[Connection]
Constructor injection
from kink import inject, di
import MySQLdb
di["db_host"] = "localhost"
di["db_name"] = "test"
di["db_user"] = "user"
di["db_password"] = "password"
di["db_connection"] = lambda di: MySQLdb.connect(host=di["db_host"], user=di["db_user"], passwd=di["db_password"], db=di["db_name"])
class AbstractRepository:
def __init__(self, db_connection):
self.connection = db_connection
class UserRepository(AbstractRepository):
repository = di[UserRepository]
When class is annotated by inject
annotation it will be automatically added to the container for future use (eg autowiring).
Services aliasing
When you register a service with @inject
decorator you can attach your own alias name, please consider the following example:
from kink import inject
from typing import Protocol
class IUserRepository(Protocol):
class UserRepository:
assert di[IUserRepository] == di[UserRepository]
For more examples check tests directory
Retrieving all instances with the same alias
Aliases in kink
do not have to be unique, but by default when autowiring mechnism is called the service that
was registered first within given alias will be returned. If for some reason you would like to retrieve all
services that alias to the same name (eg implementing strategy pattern), kink
provides a useful functionality
for doing so. Please consider the following example:
from kink import inject
from typing import Protocol, List
class IUserRepository(Protocol):
class MongoUserRepository:
class MySQLUserRepository:
class UserRepository:
def __init__(self, repos: List[IUserRepository]) -> None:
self._repos = repos
def store_to_mysql(self, user: ...):
def store_to_mongo(self, user: ...):
Clearing di cache
Sometimes it might come handy to clear cached services in di container. Simple way of
doing this is calling di.clear_cache()
method like in the following example.
from kink import inject, di
Integration with FastAPI
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, status
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, Response
from kink import di
router = APIRouter()
di[ClientService] = ClientService()
responses={400: {"model": APIErrorMessage}, 500: {"model": APIErrorMessage}},
async def create_client(
request: CreateClientDTO, service: ClientService = Depends(lambda: di[ClientService])
) -> JSONResponse:
result = service.create(request)
return JSONResponse(content=result.dict(), status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
A complete example, together with tests you can find it here.
Articles on Kink