Ksconf Splunk CONFiguration tool
This utility handles common Splunk app maintenance tasks in an installable python package.
Specifically, this tool deals with many of the nuances of storing Splunk apps in a
version control system like git and pointing live Splunk apps to a working tree. Merging changes
from the live system's (local) folder to the version controlled (default) folder and dealing with
more than one layer of "default" are all supported tasks which are not native to Splunk.
Tasks like creating new Splunk apps from your local system while merging the 'local' folder into
'default' is also supported.
Package rename
This package has been renamed ksconf starting with v0.10.
Please switch to this new package using the upgrade steps listed below.
Suggested upgrade steps:
pip uninstall kintyre-splunk-conf
pip install ksconf
Who should keep using kintyre-splunk-conf?
For the time being, you can still install and upgrade the latest release of
ksconf using the kintyre-splunk-conf
Note that as of the v0.10 release, only Python 3.7 and higher are supported.
If you need a version of ksconf that works with Python 2.7 & Python 3.6,
then you should use kintyre-splunk-conf prior to v0.10. We suggest that everyone
else should upgrade to the latest ksconf
Side note: Attempts to make kintyre-splunk-conf simply install the new ksconf
package under the covers resulted in an unusable deployment. So for now
we are building two identical packages under different names. In the next
minor release you can expect additional onscreen warnings about the package
rename at every invocation.
Moving on ...
Install with
pip install kintyre-splunk-conf
Confirm installation with the following command:
ksconf --version
To get an overview of all the CLI commands, run:
ksconf --help
Help on specific command, such as 'unarchive', run:
ksconf unarchive --help
Please see the Official docs for more info.