KyTea wrapper for python

Mykytea-python is a python wrapper module for KyTea, a general text analysis toolkit.
KyTea is developed by KyTea Development Team.
Detailed information of KyTea can be found at
Install Dependencies
You need to install KyTea before build.
To install Mykytea-python, run
pip install kytea
To build Mykytea-python, run (if you don't want to use pip
If you want to install, run
sudo make install
If you fail to make, please try to install SWIG and run
swig -c++ -python -I/usr/local/include mykytea.i
Or if you still fail on Max OS X, run with some variables
$ ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" CC=gcc CXX=g++ make
If you compiled kytea with clang, you need ARCHFLAGS only.
Or, you can use brew to install kytea.
brew install kytea
KYTEA_DIR=$(brew --prefix) make all
How to use it?
Here is the example code to use Mykytea-python.
import Mykytea
def showTags(t):
for word in t:
out = word.surface + "\t"
for t1 in word.tag:
for t2 in t1:
for t3 in t2:
out = out + "/" + str(t3)
out += "\t"
out += "\t"
def list_tags(t):
def convert(t2):
return (t2[0], type(t2[1]))
return [(word.surface, [[convert(t2) for t2 in t1] for t1 in word.tag]) for word in t]
opt = "-model /usr/local/share/kytea/model.bin"
mk = Mykytea.Mykytea(opt)
s = "今日はいい天気です。"
for word in mk.getWS(s):
t = mk.getTags(s)
tt = mk.getAllTags(s)
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