PyPI - lennoxs30api
pip install lennoxs30api
By Pete Rager
This asyncio module connects to the Lennox Cloud API to retrieve data from S30 / E30 thermostats. This API does not work for older models that use a different API. Those models are supported by this project:
Python version 3.8.6 or later
A Lennox sign-on (email address and password)
You may need to install aiohttp
Sample program Instructions:
Grab the repo
Edit the program to supply the following
LOG_PATH = '/home/pete/lennoxs30api' # Directoy to stash the log file in
PASSWORD = 'mypassword'
Command Line Program Instructions:
The command line program uses asyncio and runs 3 different tasks
Task 1 (runner) - this task connects to the cloud API and periodically polls it at a 10 second interval
Task 2 (poller) - this task runs on a 15 second interval and prints out information from all active Zones
Task 3 (prompt) - this task reads from the command line and executes commands on behalf of the user to enabling API testing. Cmd List
cool, heat, off - sets the HVAC mode to cool, heat or off. usage - just type the word followed by enter eg cool
auto, on, circulate - sets the Fan mocde to auto, on, or ciruclate
csp <TempF> - sets the cool setpoint in F. example csp 76
hsp <TempF> - sets the heat setpoint in F. example hsp 65
To exit the program hit crtl-c
Reporting Bugs
Please enabled debug logging when reporting bugs and provide sample code. Do not publicly post the debug logs as they contain Personally Identifiable Information that is part of the communication protocol. Your password IS NOT in the logs, but other information such as email, home address, etc., that is part of the lennox communications is.
Submit enhancement requests as issues or better yet send a pull request.