Run 'easy_install libfm' to install this library.
All API methods are handled through the 'read' and 'write' methods.
Methods from the API's Auth should not be called directly. Instead use
the equivalent 'create_mobile_session', 'create_session' and 'get_token'.
The 'read' and 'write' methods will return a JSON like structure made up of
lists and dictionaries. The same structure will be generated regardless the
format of the actual API method response (XML or JSON). By default libfm will
try to ask for JSON response formats. See for the
rules on how XML responses get transformed into JSON.
Error responses will be raised as exceptions of type LibFMError. Error codes
above 100 correspond to error types introduced by this library.
Http proxies are supported per LibFm object instance.
LibFm's instances are thread safe, provided you refrain from modifying their
instance members mid-execution :).
See for usage examples.