LIGO Follow-up Advocate Tools
This package provides tools for LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA follow-up advocates to assist
in tasks such as drafting astronomical bulletins for gravitational-wave
To install
The easiest way to install ligo-followup-advocate
, is with pip
pip install --user ligo-followup-advocate
To upgrade
Once you have installed the package, to check for and install updates, run the
following command:
pip install --user --upgrade ligo-followup-advocate
Current templates
If you wish to just see examples of the current templates or submit these to be
reviewed in P&P, you can find them here.
provides a single command to draft a GCN Circular
skeleton. Pass it the authors and the GraceDB ID as follows:
ligo-followup-advocate compose \
'A. Einstein (IAS)' 'S. Hawking (Cambridge)' \
'I. Newton (Cambridge)' 'Data (Starfleet)' \
Optionally, you can have the program open the draft in your default mail client
by passing it the --mailto
For a list of other supported commands, run:
ligo-followup-advocate --help
For further options for composing circulars, run:
ligo-followup-advocate compose --help
You can also invoke most functions directly from a Python interpreter, like
>>> from ligo import followup_advocate
>>> text = followup_advocate.compose('S190407w')
To develop
To participate in development, clone the git repository:
git clone
To release
The project is set up so that releases are automatically uploaded to PyPI
whenever a tag is created. Use the following steps to issue a release. In the
example below, we are assuming that the current version is 0.0.5, and that we
are releasing version 0.0.6.
Check the latest pipeline status
to make sure that the master branch builds without any errors.
Make sure that all significant changes since the last release are
documented in
Update the heading for the current release in
0.0.6 (unreleased)
to 0.0.6 (YYYY-MM-DD)
where YYYY-MM-DD
is today's
date. Also update the version in pyproject.toml
Update the PDF templates with this new version.
Commit those changes:
git commit -m "Update changelog for version 0.0.6"
Tag the release:
git tag v0.0.6 -m "Version 0.0.6"
Add a new section to
like this:
## 0.0.7 (unreleased)
- No changes yet.
Commit the changes:
git commit -m "Back to development"
Push everything to GitLab:
git push --tags
git push -f
Within a few minutes, the new package will be built and uploaded to PyPI.
Create an SCCB ticket.
Note that there is an option to do this via the a button in the CI/CD
pipeline, but this template could be outdated. The recommendation is to
create the ticket by hand via the above link.