Console app and Python API for converting locust
's load test CSV formatted
reports into the OpenMetrics
text format.
To use this tool effectively please setup your locust load tests to store test statistics in CSV format
_, which will then generate a number of files:
, {CSV_PREFIX}_stats_history.csv
and {CSV_PREFIX}_exceptions.csv
. Out of the
files above, locust_csv2openmetrics is meant to work with only the
.. _locust
: https://locust.io/
.. _OpenMetrics
: https://openmetrics.io/
.. _store test statistics in CSV format
: https://docs.locust.io/en/stable/retrieving-stats.html
To install locust_csv2openmetrics run::
$ pip install locust_csv2openmetrics
Console app usage
Quick start::
$ locust_csv2openmetrics <filename>
Show help::
$ locust_csv2openmetrics --help
Python API usage
Quick start::
>>> import locust_csv2openmetrics as lom
>>> collector = lom.collect_locust_stats("examples/locust_stats.csv")
>>> lom.write_openmetrics_to_textfile("./metrics.txt", lom.REGISTRY)
If you find any bugs, or wish to propose new features please let us know
If you'd like to contribute, simply fork the repository
_, commit your changes
and send a pull/merge request.
.. _please let us know
: https://gitlab.com/360dialog/open-source/locust_csv2openmetrics/-/issues/new
.. _the repository
: https://gitlab.com/360dialog/open-source/locust_csv2openmetrics
Development process
Before you start you'll need Make, Python and Poetry.
This project doesn't require system wide installation, simply clone the
repository and initialize its development runtime environment to get started::
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:360dialog/open-source/locust_csv2openmetrics.git
$ cd locust_csv2openmetrics
$ poetry install --with dev --sync
If you do not wish to install Make, Python or Poetry on your system you can use
the dockerized version of this project instead, by replacing all of your
calls, such as::
$ poetry run make [quiet=1] [PYTHONWARNINGS=all] [TARGET] ...
$ ./dockerized.sh [quiet=1] [PYTHONWARNINGS=all] [TARGET] ...
Show help::
$ poetry run make help
# dockerized version:
$ ./dockerized.sh help
Usage: make [quiet=1] [PYTHONWARNINGS=all] [TARGET] ...
help Display this help message
test.unit Run the unit tests
test.one Run only a specific unit test (module, module.TestCase or module.TestCase.test_method)
test Run the entire test suite (unit tests, coverage, ...)
Run the test suite, please do this often during development::
$ poetry run make quiet=1 PYTHONWARNINGS=all test
# dockerized version:
$ ./dockerized.sh quiet=1 PYTHONWARNINGS=all test
Release process
This project's release process is currently manual in its nature and attempts
to mimic Django's release process, as described in:
Its Python packages are hosted on PyPI, and this is how to build+publish its
Python package on a new release::
$ poetry publish --build