This script allows you to automatically scan through manga and generate a csv with all contained words.
It is intended to be used with the community deck feature of Bunpro, hence the csv format. Once the csv import feature will be published, I will adjust the format of the csv. If any other outputs are desired, let me know!
You need to have python installed (ideally Python 3.12).
Using pip
Install the package using
pip install manga-wordlist-extractor
Using the source code directly
Download this repository (using the "code -> download zip" option above the files list at the top). Open a command prompt in the downloaded folder after extracting.
Run this to install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can now run the tool from the src/main/ file.
manga-wordlist-extractor [-h] [--parent] folder
Replace folder with the path containing the manga files. Make sure to surround it with quotation marks if there are spaces in the path!
If you enter a parent folder containing multiple volumes, add "--parent" before the folder path.
This will generate a vocab.csv file containing all words.
If you run into errors, look into the mokuro repository linked at the bottom. There might be some issues with python version compatibility.
Also important: This script is not perfect. The text recognition can make mistakes and some of the extracted vocab can be wrong. If this proves to be a big issue I will look for a different method to parse vocabulary from the text.
- Live Output from Mokuro (it can take very long)
- Separate outputs for each volume
- Added translations through dictionary lookup?
This is hardly my work, I just stringed together some amazing libraries: