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__ is a compilation of Mathematical Functions and Algorithms. Unless credit was given all
of the functions were written by me. Relevant articles are also linked where the implementation is complex.
I have used most of these for Project Euler
See my website ivl-projecteuler.com
_ for their implementation
See the full documentation here
|numtheory.py | * phi(x) |
| | * phi_sieve(x) |
| | * phi_sum(x) |
| | * mobius(x) |
| | * mobius_k_sieve(limit, k) |
| | * count_k_free(n, k) |
| | * pythagorean_triples(limit, non_primitive) |
| | * count_primitive_pythagorean_triples(n) |
| | * k_smooth_numbers(max_prime, limit) |
| | * k_powerful(k, limit, count) |
| | * legendre_factorial(x) |
| | * tonelli_shanks(a, p) |
| | * chinese_remainder_theorem(a1, a2, n1, n2) |
| | * generalised_CRT(a1, a2, n1, n2) |
| | * frobenius_number(*integers) |
| | * continued_fraction(x) |
| | * overall_fraction(x) |
| | * partition(x, L, show) |
|primes.py | * prime_sieve(limit, block_size, segment, values) |
| | * prime_sieve_in_range(low_limit, upp_limit, values) |
| | * is_prime(x) |
| | * prime_factors(x) |
| | * spf_sieve(x) |
| | * primepi(x) |
| | * primepi_sieve(x) |
| | * sum_of_primes(x) |
| | * fermat_primality_test(x) |
| | * miller_primality_test(n, millerrabin, numoftests) |
|divisors.py | * divisors(x, proper) |
| | * divisor(x, n) |
| | * divisor_sieve(x, n) |
|linalg.py | * gauss_jordan_elimination(matrix, augmentedpart) |
| | * solve(M, b) |
| | * inverse(matrix) |
| | * determinant(matrix) |
| | * matrix_addition(A, B, subtract) |
| | * identity(l, val) |
| | * concatenate(A, B) |
| | * argmax(alist) |
| | * fillmatrix(size, val) |
| | * matrix_mul(A, B) |
| | * matrix_pow(A, n) |
|fib.py | * fibonacci(n, m) |
| | * fib_till(limit) |
| | * zeckendorf_representation(x) |
|algorithms.py | * prims_algorithm(matrix) |
| | * dijkstras_algorithm(graph, start_node, INFINITY) |
| | * floyd_warshall_algorithm(graph, INFINITY) |
| | * knap_sack(values, weights, n, W, no_values) |
| | * knap_sack_values(values, weights, n, W, no_values) |
| | * BFS(g, start_node, end_node) |
| | * DFS(g, start_node, end_node) |
| | * convex_hull_gift_wrapping(pts) |
| | * convex_hull_DC(pts) |
|gaussianint.py | * GI |
| | * conj(self) |
| | * norm_sq(self) |
| | * prime_fac(self) |
| | * rem(x, y) |
| | * gcd(x, y) |
|simple.py | * bin_exp(a, b, c, n, m) |
| | * number_to_base(n, b) |
| | * extended_euclidean_algorithm(n, b) |
| | * lcm(a_list) |
| | * mod_division(a, b, m) |
| | * binom(n, k, p) |
| | * bisect(alist, goal) |
| | * is_clockwise(a, b, c) |
.. _Project Euler: https://projecteuler.net
.. _ivl-projecteuler.com: https://ivl-projecteuler.com
.. _mathslib1: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mathslib
.. here: https://mathslib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
__ mathslib1