Netgear Meural Photo Preparation
Python Package to prepare photos for use with Netgear Meural Picture Frames.
This package is not affiliated with Netgear in any way.
Netgear Meural Picture Frames require photos to be formatted in a specific way.
This package will prepare photos for use with Netgear Meural Picture Frames.
For more information on the Netgear Meural Picture Frames formatting need please visit
Table of Contents
External Dependencies
pip install meural-photo-prep
name = "example-package"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Example developer <>"]
readme = ""
python = "^3.9"
meural-photo-prep = "^1.0.1"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
- Prepares photos for use with Netgear Meural Picture Frames.
- Copies photos from the input path to the output path.
- Removes special characters from the file name.
- Creates a thumbnail for each photo using the
method from Pillow.
- The thumbnail is created using the dimensions specified in the documentation above.
- The thumbnail is saved with the same name as the original photo with the addition of the .thumb extension.
- Function uses threading to process photos in parallel.
- NOTE: This may cause issues with memory usage as thread limits are not implemented in this version
be careful how many photos you give it!
import meural_photo_prep as mpp
mpp.prep_photos("<INPUT_PATH>", "<OUTPUT_PATH>")
|__ meural1
|__ img1.jpg
|__ img1.jpg.thumb
|__ img2.jpg
|__ img2.jpg.thumb
|__ img3.jpg
|__ img3.jpg.thumb