mlpack is a fast, flexible machine learning library, written in C++, that aims
to provide fast, extensible implementations of cutting-edge machine learning
algorithms. mlpack provides these algorithms as standalone Python functions,
which wrap the fast C++ implementations of the algorithms.
mlpack's techniques fall into a handful of categories:
Classification: logistic regression, perceptrons, random forests, linear
SVMs, AdaBoost, etc.
Regression: linear regression, least angle regression, etc.
Clustering: Gaussian mixture models, k-means, mean shift, DBSCAN, etc.
Geometry: k-nearest-neighbor search, max-kernel search, locality sensitive
hashing (LSH), etc.
Preprocessing: dataset splitting, binarization, scaling, one hot encoding,
Misc. / Other: collaborative filtering, density estimation trees, Hidden
Markov Models, kernel density estimation (KDE), etc.
Transformations: kernel PCA, sparse coding, large margin nearest neighbors,
PCA, etc.
For more documentation on each individual function that mlpack provides, see the
Python binding