Modoboa (website <https://modoboa.org/>
|workflow| |codecov| |latest-version|
Modoboa <https://modoboa.org>
_ is a mail hosting and management platform including a modern
and simplified Web User Interface. It provides useful components such
as an administration panel and webmail.
Modoboa integrates with well known software such as Postfix <http://postfix.org/>
_ or Dovecot <http://dovecot.org/>
database (MySQL <http://www.mysql.com>
, PostgreSQL <http://www.postgresql.org/>
_ or SQLite <http://www.sqlite.org>
is used as a central point of communication between all components.
Modoboa is developed with modularity in mind, expanding it is really
easy. Actually, all current features are extensions.
It is written in Python 3 and uses the Django <https://www.djangoproject.com>
, jQuery <http://jquery.com>
Bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/>
Main features
- Administration panel
- Reputation protection:
DNSBL <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSBL>
_ checks, DMARC <https://dmarc.org/>
_ reports <https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa-dmarc>
_ and more Amavis <http://www.amavis.org>
_ frontend <https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa-amavis>
_Webmail <https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa-webmail>
_Calendar <https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa-radicale>
_Address book <https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa-contacts>
_- Per-user Sieve filters
- Autoreply messages for Postfix
- Graphical statistics about email traffic
The easiest way to install modoboa is to use the
official installer <https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa-installer>
More information is available in the documentation.
A detailed documentation <https://modoboa.readthedocs.io/>
_ will help you
to install, use or extend Modoboa.
Demo Installation
If you want to try out Modoboa, check out our demo installation <https://demo.modoboa.org/>
Getting help
Modoboa is a free software and is totally open source BUT you can hire the team if you need professional services. More information here: https://modoboa.org/en/professional-services/.
Contracting a support plan if a good way to ensure your installation stays available and up-to-date and it will help the project to be sustainable :)
If you have any questions, you can get help through the following platforms:
Discord <https://discord.gg/WuQ3v3PXGR>
_- Github: open an issue if you found a bug
External code
The following external libraries are provided with Modoboa:
jQuery version 1.9.1 <http://www.jquery.org/>
_jQuery-UI 1.10+ <http://jqueryui.com/>
_Bootstrap version 3.3.7 <http://getbootstrap.com/>
_Bootstrap datetimepicker <http://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/>
.. |latest-version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/modoboa.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/modoboa/
:alt: Latest version on Pypi
.. |workflow| image:: https://github.com/modoboa/modoboa/actions/workflows/modoboa.yml/badge.svg
.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/modoboa/modoboa/graph/badge.svg?token=1E5eBxJO33
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/modoboa/modoboa