MUTERIA (MUlti-Tools and criTERIA framework for automated software testing)
Muteria is a Software Analysis/Testing framework that integrate multiple tools.
Muteria support tools from various programming languages which are supported by implementing a driver.
Report Sample. ![Title sample](doc/imgs/report_summary.png?raw=true)
Muteria can be used through:
- Its API
- Commnad Line Interface (CLI)
Suported Systems
Muteria is written in Python and thus can run on Windows, Linux or macOS.
muteria requires Python 3.
- Install Muteria by running:
pip install muteria
- View the usage help:
muteria --help
Muteria requires to have the underlying tools installed on the system.
Usage example C (in Docker container)
A docker image, with preinstalled tools, can be used to run muteria on a sample C language program.
The installed tools are: GNU GCov, KLEE, Shadow, Mart, SEMu.
- Pull the docker image:
docker pull thierrytct/cm
- run the docker image in a container:
docker run -it --rm thierrytct/cm bash
- Download the example program:
git clone
- Change into the example program directory:
cd example_c
- run using the configuration file in ctrl/
muteria --config ctrl/ --lang c run
Usage example Python
Example of measuring coverage for a python program using
- Install
pip install coverage
- Download the example program:
git clone
- Change into the example program directory:
cd example_python
- run using the configuration file in ctrl/
muteria --config ctrl/ --lang python run
Drivers development
Testcase Tools Drivers
Details on writing drivers for testcase (test generation) tools can be found here.
Test Criteria Tools Drivers
Details on writing drivers for test criteria tools can be found here.
Current Limitation
- Interface difference between multiple versions of the same tool
Things to fix
Ensure tools plugins do not leave the repo srcs or exes in an infected state. They must cleanup the changes made. Ensure that by cleaning for them at top level (when the driver's methods are called in the meta tools)
Handle reporting test error in stats (first within meta test execution)
Enable having no criterion set
Complete and test the web UI.
Choice of test level (unit, system, ...)
Complete the documentation
Augment the test suite
- parallelism
- Web Interface
- Command Line Interface
- Library API interface
- Reporting
- Checkpointing and Logging
- Multiple projects
- Test Adequacy Criteria(TAC)
- Tools
- Programming languages