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This is a Python package for multivariate B-splines with performant NumPy and C
(via Cython) implementations. For a mathematical overview of tensor product
B-splines, see the |Splines| page of the documentation.
The primary goal of this package is to provide a unified API for tensor product
splines of arbitrary input and output dimension. For a list of related packages
see the |Comparisons| page.
.. |Splines| replace:: Splines
.. _Splines: https://ndsplines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/math.html
.. |Comparisons| replace:: Comparisons
.. _Comparisons: https://ndsplines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/compare.html
is available on PyPI as well as conda-forge.
Install ndsplines
with pip::
$ pip install ndsplines
Wheels are provided for a range of Python versions and platforms, so no
compilation is required to get the better-performing Cython-based implementation
in many cases.
If no matching wheel is found, pip will install build dependencies and attempt
to compile the Cython-based extension module. If this is not desired, set the
environment variable NDSPLINES_NUMPY_ONLY=1
, e.g.::
$ NDSPLINES_NUMPY_ONLY=1 pip install ndsplines
Install ndsplines
with conda::
$ conda install -c conda-forge ndsplines
The easiest way to use ndsplines
is to use one of the make_*
functions: make_interp_spline
, make_interp_spline_from_tidy
, or
, which return an NDSpline
object which can be used to
evaluate the spline. For example, suppose we have data over a two-dimensional
.. code:: python
import ndsplines
import numpy as np
# generate grid of independent variables
x = np.array([-1, -7/8, -3/4, -1/2, -1/4, -1/8, 0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 1])*np.pi
y = np.array([-1, -1/2, 0, 1/2, 1])
meshx, meshy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
gridxy = np.stack((meshx, meshy), axis=-1)
# evaluate a function to interpolate over input grid
meshf = np.sin(meshx) * (meshy-3/8)**2 + 2
We can then use make_interp_spline
to create an interpolating spline and
evaluate it over a denser mesh.
.. code:: python
# create the interpolating spline
interp = ndsplines.make_interp_spline(gridxy, meshf)
# generate denser grid of independent variables to interpolate
sparse_dense = 2**7
xx = np.concatenate([np.linspace(x[i], x[i+1], sparse_dense) for i in range(x.size-1)])
yy = np.concatenate([np.linspace(y[i], y[i+1], sparse_dense) for i in range(y.size-1)])
gridxxyy = np.stack(np.meshgrid(xx, yy, indexing='ij'), axis=-1)
# evaluate spline over denser grid
meshff = interp(gridxxyy)
Generally, we construct data so that the first ndim
axes index the
independent variables and the remaining axes index output. This is
a generalization of using rows to index time and columns to index output
variables for time-series data.
We can also create an interpolating spline from a tidy data
_ format:
.. code:: python
tidy_data = np.dstack((gridxy, meshf)).reshape((-1,3))
tidy_interp = ndsplines.make_interp_spline_from_tidy(
[0,1], # columns to use as independent variable data
[2] # columns to use as dependent variable data
print("\nCoefficients all same?",
np.all(tidy_interp.coefficients == interp.coefficients))
print("Knots all same?",
np.all([np.all(k0 == k1) for k0, k1 in zip(tidy_interp.knots, interp.knots)]))
Note however, that the tidy dataset must be over a structured rectangular grid
equivalent to the N-dimensional tensor product representation. Also note that
Pandas dataframes can be used, in which case lists of column names can be used
instead of lists of column indices.
To see examples for creating least-squares regression splines
with make_lsq_spline
, see the |1D example| and |2D example|.
Derivatives of constructed splines can be evaluated in two ways: (1) by using
the nus
parameter while calling the interpolator or (2) by creating a new spline
with the derivative
method. In this codeblock, we show both ways of
evaluating derivatives in each direction.
.. code:: python
# two ways to evaluate derivatives x-direction: create a derivative spline or call with nus:
deriv_interp = interp.derivative(0)
deriv1 = deriv_interp(gridxxy)
deriv2 = interp(gridxy, nus=np.array([1,0]))
# two ways to evaluate derivative - y direction
deriv_interp = interp.derivative(1)
deriv1 = deriv_interp(gridxy)
deriv2 = interp(gridxxyy, nus=np.array([0,1]))
The NDSpline
class also has an antiderivative
method for creating a
spline representative of the anti-derivative in the specified direction.
.. code:: python
# Calculus demonstration
interp1 = deriv_interp.antiderivative(0)
coeff_diff = interp1.coefficients - interp.coefficients
print("\nAntiderivative of derivative:\n","Coefficients differ by constant?",
np.allclose(interp1.coefficients+2.0, interp.coefficients))
print("Knots all same?",
np.all([np.all(k0 == k1) for k0, k1 in zip(interp1.knots, interp.knots)]))
antideriv_interp = interp.antiderivative(0)
interp2 = antideriv_interp.derivative(0)
print("\nDerivative of antiderivative:\n","Coefficients the same?",
np.allclose(interp2.coefficients, interp.coefficients))
print("Knots all same?",
np.all([np.all(k0 == k1) for k0, k1 in zip(interp2.knots, interp.knots)]))
.. _tidy data: https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v059i10
.. |1D example| replace:: 1D example
.. _1D example: https://ndsplines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auto_examples/1d-lsq.html
.. |2D example| replace:: 2D example
.. _2D example: https://ndsplines.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auto_examples/2d-lsq.html
Please feel free to share any thoughts or opinions about the design and
implementation of this software by opening an issue on GitHub <https://github.com/kb-press/ndsplines/issues/new>
_. Constructive feedback is
welcomed and appreciated.
Bug fix pull requests are always welcome. For feature additions, breaking
changes, etc. check if there is an open issue discussing the change and
reference it in the pull request. If there isn't one, it is recommended to open
one with your rationale for the change before spending significant time
preparing the pull request.
Ideally, new/changed functionality should come with tests and documentation. If
you are new to contributing, it is perfectly fine to open a work-in-progress
pull request and have it iteratively reviewed.
To test, install the package with the test
extras and use pytest
$ pip install .[test]
$ pytest
Documentation is based on Sphinx and built and served by Read the Docs. To
build locally, install the docs
$ pip install .[docs]
$ cd docs
$ make html