An awesome way to interface with your NextDNS account - via Python!
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About The Project
I was getting increasingly frustrated with NextDNS's lack of API. I wanted to manage things on the fly. So, I did the most logical thing. I built a python script (library-to-be) to control my NextDNS account. I decided to make it public because why not?
Built With
Built using Python:
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
pip install nextdnsapi
Open your IDE
Import library
from nextdnsapi.api import *
from nextdnsapi import api
from api import *
- Check Github for Usage
Usage is very easy, so I won't bother to go into the intricacies of the library, but I will go over some basic info. This library closely imitates the website.
For logging in using 2FA, see
header = account.login("", "password123")
account.login(email, password)
Example: account.login("", "password123")
Response: Login credentials (headers and cookies) for NextDNS
Example: account.list(header)
Example: account.month(header)
Response: {"monthlyQueries":44065}
Example: settings.listsettings("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'name': 'Config 1', 'logging': True, 'logging_disable_query': False, 'logging_disable_client': False, 'logging_retention': 164200, 'logging_location': 'ch', 'blockPage': True, 'ecs': True, 'cacheBoost': True, 'cnameFlattening': True, 'handshake': True, 'rewrites': []}
Example: settings.setup("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'id': 'd46a5b', 'fingerprint': 'fpd7527ea9b798****', 'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': ['2a07:****::**:6a5a', '2a07:****::**:6a5a'], 'linkedIpDNSServers': ['45.90.**.105', '45.90.**.105'], 'ddnsHostname': '****', 'linkedIpUpdateToken': 'd1aa9fe86e9c****', 'linkedIp': '41.210.***.69', 'dnsStamp': 'sdns://AgE*********CjQ1LjkwLjI4LjAADmRucy5uZXh0ZG5zLmlvBy9kNDZhNWE'}
Example: settings.downloadlogs("d46a5b", header)
Response: "d46a5b-2022-05-21T11 30 26.867Z.csv" if success, else ConfigNotFound
Example: settings.clearlogs("d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.rename(name, config, header)
Example: settings.rename("Config One", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "Response renamed to {new name}" if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.logclientips(bool, config, header)
Example: settings.logclientips(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.logdomains(bool, config, header)
Example: settings.logdomains(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.blockpage(bool, config, header)
Example: settings.blockpage(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.adddnsrewrite(domain, answer, config, header)
Example: settings.adddnsrewrite("router.local", "", "d46a5b", header)
Response: {"id":12345,"name":"router.local","answer":""} if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.deletednsrewrite(id, config, header)
Example: settings.deletednsrewrite(12345, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
Example: settings.updatelinkedip(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
settings.delete(config, header)
Example: settings.rename("d46a5b", header)
Response: "{Config ID} deleted" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.list(config, header)
Example: security.list("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'threatIntelligenceFeeds': True, 'aiThreatDetection': True, 'googleSafeBrowsing': False, 'cryptojacking': True, 'dnsRebinding': False, 'homograph': True, 'typosquatting': True, 'dga': True, 'nrd': False, 'parked': False, 'csam': True, 'blocked_tlds': []}
security.threatintelligencefeeds(bool, config, header)
Example: security.threatintelligencefeeds(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.aidetection(bool, config, header)
Example: security.aidetection(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.safebrowsing(bool, config, header)
Example: security.safebrowsing(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.cryptojacking(bool, config, header)
Example: security.cryptojacking(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.dnsrebinding(bool, config, header)
Example: security.dnsrebinding(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.homograph(bool, config, header)
Example: security.homograph(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.typosquatting(bool, config, header)
Example: security.typosquatting(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.dga(bool, config, header)
Example: security.dga(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.newdomains(bool, config, header)
Example: security.newdomains(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.parked(bool, config, header)
Example: security.parked(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.csam(bool, config, header)
Example: security.csam(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.addtld(tld, config, header)
Example: security.addtld(".io", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "{tld} blocked" if success, else ConfigNotFound
security.removetld(tld, config, header)
Example: security.removetld(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "{tld} unblocked" if success, else ConfigNotFound
privacy.list(config, header)
Example: privacy.list("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'blockDisguised': False, 'allowAffiliate': False, 'blocklists': [{'id': 'nextdns-recommended', 'name': None, 'website': None, 'description': None, 'entries': 95040, 'updatedOn': '2021-10-20T00:30:42.000Z'}], 'natives': [{'id': 'alexa'}, {'id': 'samsung'}]} if success, else ConfigNotFound
privacy.blockdisguised(bool, config, header):
Example: security.csam(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
privacy.blockaffiliate(bool, config, header):
Example: security.blockaffiliate(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
privacy.blocknative(native, config, header):
Example: security.blockaffiliate("xiaomi", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
privacy.unblocknative(native, config, header):
Example: security.unblocknative("sonos", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.list(config, header)
Example: parental.list("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'safeSearch': False, 'youtubeRestrictedMode': True, 'blockBypass': False, 'services': [{'id': 'instagram', 'website': '', 'recreation': False, 'active': True}], 'categories': [{'id': 'porn', 'recreation': False, 'active': True}], 'recreation': {'tuesday': {'start': '18:00:00', 'end': '20:30:00'}, 'wednesday': {'start': '18:00:00', 'end': '20:30:00'}, 'thursday': {'start': '18:00:00', 'end': '20:30:00'}, 'friday': {'start': '18:00:00', 'end': '20:30:00'}, 'saturday': {'start': '09:00:00', 'end': '20:30:00'}, 'sunday': {'start': '09:00:00', 'end': '20:30:00'}}} if success, else ConfigNotFound, config, header)
Example:, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.gambling(bool, config, header)
Example: parental.gambling(True, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound, config, header)
Example:, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.piracy(bool, config, header)
Example: parental.piracy(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.socialnetworks(bool, config, header)
Example: parental.socialnetworks(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.safesearch(bool, config, header)
Example: parental.safesearch(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.youtubeRestrictedMode(bool, config, header)
Example: parental.youtubeRestrictedMode(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.blockbypass(bool, config, header)
Example: parental.blockbypass(False, "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.blocksite(site, config, header)
Example: parental.blocksite("Instagram", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
parental.unblocksite(site, config, header)
Example: parental.unblocksite("Snapchat", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success, else ConfigNotFound
denylist.list(config, header)
Example: denylist.list("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'domain': '', 'active': True}] if success else ConfigNotFound
denylist.blockdomain(domain, config, header)
Example: denylist.blockdomain("", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success else ConfigNotFound
denylist.unblockdomain(domain, config, header)
Example: parental.list("", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success else ConfigNotFound
allowlist.list(config, header)
Example: denylist.list("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'domain': '', 'active': True}] if success else ConfigNotFound
allowlist.add(domain, config, header)
Example: allowlist.add("", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success else ConfigNotFound
allowlist.remove(domain, config, header)
Example: allowlist.remove("", "d46a5b", header)
Response: "OK" if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.counter(config, header)
Example: analytics.counter("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'queries': 6736, 'blockedQueries': 208} if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.topresolveddomains(config, header)
Example: analytics.topresolveddomains("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'name': '', 'queries': 61}, {'name': '', 'queries': 47}, {'name': '', 'queries': 45}, {'name': '', 'queries': 45}, {'name': '', 'queries': 45}, {'name': '', 'queries': 42}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.topblockeddomains(config, header)
Example: analytics.topblockeddomains("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'name': '', 'queries': 71}, {'name': '', 'queries': 34}, {'name': '', 'queries': 26}, {'name': '', 'queries': 20}, {'name': '', 'queries': 15}, {'name': '', 'queries': 11}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.toplists(config, header)
Example: analytics.toplists("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'name': 'Instagram', 'queries': 106}, {'name': 'NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist', 'queries': 103}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.topdevices(config, header)
Example: analytics.topdevices("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'id': '4SVEZ', 'queries': 6432, 'name': "John Appleseed's iPhone"}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.topclientips(config, header)
Example: analytics.topclientips("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'ip': '188.34.***.204', 'queries': 4680, 'isCellular': False, 'city': 'Gunzenhausen', 'country': 'Germany', 'countryCode': 'DE', 'isp': 'Hetzner Online GmbH'}, {'ip': '**.210.155.183', 'queries': 1752, 'isCellular': True, 'city': '*****', 'country': 'Timbuktu', 'countryCode': '**', 'isp': '***'}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.toprootdomains(config, header)
Example: analytics.toprootdomains("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'name': '', 'queries': 3472}, {'name': '', 'queries': 1061}, {'name': '', 'queries': 416}, {'name': '', 'queries': 236}, {'name': '', 'queries': 152}, {'name': '', 'queries': 150}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.gafam(config, header)
Example: analytics.gafam("d46a5b", header)
Response: [{'company': 'google', 'queries': 622, 'percentage': 0.09670398009950248}, {'company': 'facebook', 'queries': 472, 'percentage': 0.07338308457711443}, {'company': 'amazon', 'queries': 0, 'percentage': 0}, {'company': 'apple', 'queries': 0, 'percentage': 0}, {'company': 'microsoft', 'queries': 0, 'percentage': 0}, {'company': 'others', 'queries': 5338, 'percentage': 0.8299129353233831}] if success else ConfigNotFound
analytics.trafficdest(config, header)
Example: analytics.trafficdest("d46a5b", header)
Response: {'DE': {'queries': 3097, 'topDomains': ['', '', '', '', '']}, 'US': {'queries': 691, 'topDomains': ['', '', '', '', '']}, 'IE': {'queries': 198, 'topDomains': ['', '', '', '', '']}} if success else ConfigNotFound
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- If you have suggestions for adding or removing projects, feel free to open an issue to discuss it, or directly create a pull request after you edit the file with necessary changes.
- Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar.
- Create individual PR for each suggestion.
- Please also read through the Code Of Conduct before posting your first idea as well.
Creating A Pull Request
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.