Nunavut: DSDL transpiler
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Nunavut is a source-to-source compiler (transpiler) that automatically converts OpenCyphal
_ DSDL definitions
into source code in a specified target programming language.
It is constructed as a template engine that exposes a PyDSDL
_ abstract
syntax tree to Jinja2
_ templates allowing authors to generate code, schemas, metadata,
documentation, etc.
.. figure:: /docs/static/images/nunavut_pipeline.svg
:width: 1000px
Nunavut DSDL transcompilation pipeline.
Nunavut ships with built-in support for some programming languages,
and it can be used to generate code for other languages if custom templates (and some glue logic) are provided.
Currently, the following languages are supported out of the box:
- C11 (generates header-only libraries)
- C++ (generates header-only libraries;
work-in-progress <https://github.com/OpenCyphal/nunavut/issues/91>
_) - Python (generates Python packages)
- HTML (generates documentation pages)
Nunavut is named after the Canadian territory
_. We chose the name because it
is a beautiful word to say and read.
Nunavut depends on PyDSDL
Install from PIP::
pip install -U nunavut
The examples do not replace the documentation, please do endeavor to read it.
Generate C headers using the command-line tool
This example assumes that the public regulated namespace directories reg
and uavcan
reside under
Nunavut is invoked to generate code for the former.
.. code-block:: shell
nnvg --target-language c --target-endianness=little --enable-serialization-asserts public_regulated_data_types/reg --lookup-dir public_regulated_data_types/uavcan
Generate HTML documentation pages using the command-line tool
See above assumptions. The below commands generate documentation
for the reg
Note that we have to generate documentation for the uavcan
as well, because there are types in reg
that will link to uavcan
documentation sections.
.. code-block:: shell
nnvg --experimental-languages --target-language html public_regulated_data_types/reg --lookup-dir public_regulated_data_types/uavcan
nnvg --experimental-languages --target-language html public_regulated_data_types/uavcan
Generate Python packages using the command-line tool
This example assumes that the public regulated namespace directories reg
and uavcan
reside under
Nunavut is invoked to generate code for the former.
.. code-block:: shell
nnvg --target-language py public_regulated_data_types/reg --lookup-dir public_regulated_data_types/uavcan
Use custom templates
Partial example: generating a C struct
.. code-block:: jinja
* Cyphal data structure definition
* Auto-generated, do not edit.
* Source file: {{T.source_file_path.as_posix()}}
#ifndef {{T.full_name | ln.c.macrofy}}
#define {{T.full_name | ln.c.macrofy}}
{%- for constant in T.constants %}
#define {{ T | ln.c.macrofy }}_{{ constant.name | ln.c.macrofy }} {{ constant | constant_value }}
{%- endfor %}
typedef struct
Note that we're not handling union types properly in this simplified example.
Unions take a bit more logic to generate correctly.
{%- for field in T.fields_except_padding %}
{{ field.data_type | declaration }} {{ field | id }}
{%- if field.data_type is ArrayType -%}
[{{ field.data_type.capacity }}]
{%- endif -%};
{%- if field is VariableLengthArrayType %}
{{ typename_unsigned_length }} {{ field | id }}_length;
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
} {{ T | full_reference_name }};
#endif // {{T.full_name | ln.c.macrofy}}
More examples
Where to find more examples to get started:
See built-in templates under nunavut.lang.LANGUAGE.templates
API usage examples can be found in the Pycyphal
_ library.
Bundled third-party software
Nunavut embeds the following third-party software libraries into its source
(i.e. these are not dependencies and do not need to be installed):
_ by Armin Ronacher and contributors, BSD 3-clause license.markupsafe
_ by Armin Ronacher and contributors, BSD 3-clause license (needed for Jinja).
The documentation for Nunavut is hosted on readthedocs.io:
_ - The python library provided by this project.nnvg
_ – Command-line script for using nunavut
_ directly or as part of a build system.nunavut template guide
_ – Documentation for authors of nunavut templates.nunavut contributors guide
_ – Documentation for contributors to the Nunavut project.nunavut licenses
_ – Licenses and copyrights
Nunavut is part of the OpenCyphal project:
OpenCyphal website
_OpenCyphal forum
.. _OpenCyphal
: http://opencyphal.org
.. _OpenCyphal website
: http://opencyphal.org
.. _OpenCyphal forum
: https://forum.opencyphal.org
.. _nunavut
: https://nunavut.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/api/modules.html
.. _nnvg
: https://nunavut.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/cli.html
.. _PyDSDL
: https://github.com/OpenCyphal/pydsdl
.. _Pycyphal
: https://github.com/OpenCyphal/pycyphal
.. _nunavut template guide
: https://nunavut.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/templates.html
.. _nunavut contributors guide
: https://nunavut.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/dev.html
.. _nunavut licenses
: https://nunavut.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/appendix.html#licence
.. _Jinja2
: https://palletsprojects.com/p/jinja
.. _markupsafe
: https://palletsprojects.com/p/markupsafe
.. _Canadian territory
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunavut
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.. _badge_docs: https://nunavut.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
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.. _badge_pypi_version: https://pypi.org/project/nunavut/
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:alt: MIT license
.. _badge_github_license: https://github.com/OpenCyphal/nunavut/blob/main/LICENSE.rst
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