Oauth2 Client
Python library responsible for managing users authentication using
OAUTH 2.0 Client Backend Application strategy (from non web software to
web Oauth2 providers)
Python project
- Install requirements, if never done before
1.1. For OS X distributions::
1.1.1. Homebrew
brew install python3
1.1.2 Port
sudo port install python36
sudo port select --set python3 python36
sudo port install py36-pip
sudo port select --set pip pip36
1.2. For Linux distributions::
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.9
2. Make oauth2_xfel_client library available in your python environment
2.1. Install it via pip::
# Install dependencies from local wheels files
pip install . --no-index --find-links ./external_dependencies/
# Install dependencies from the pypi
pip install .
Installing it will place two folders under the current Python installation
site-packages folder:
with the sources;oauth2_xfel_client-6.1.1.dist-info/
with Wheels configuration files.
To identify your Python site-packages folder run::
python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"
To use this project you need to import it::
from oauth2_xfel_client import Oauth2ClientBackend
Connection to the Oauth2Client (MyMdC example)::
from oauth2_xfel_client import Oauth2ClientBackend as Oauth2Client
Necessary configuration variables to establish a connection
or re-use a Client/Secret tokens from the metadata catalogue.
user_secret = 'PUT_HERE_YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
user_email = 'luis.maia@xfel.eu'
URLs for the metadata catalogue
token_url = 'https://in.xfel.eu/metadata/oauth/token'
refresh_url = 'https://in.xfel.eu/metadata/oauth/token'
auth_url = 'https://in.xfel.eu/metadata/oauth/authorize'
scope = ''
base_api_url = 'https://in.xfel.eu/metadata/api/'
Generate the connection
oauth_client_valid = Oauth2Client(client_id=user_id,
Interaction with the oauth2Client:
2.1 Example data_group_types::
current_token = oauth_client_valid.get_session_token()
Development & Testing
When developing, and before commit changes, please validate that:
All tests continue passing successfully (to validate that run pytest)::
Go to the source code directory
cd oauth2_xfel_client
Upgrade package and all its required packages
pip install . -U --upgrade-strategy eager
Install test dependencies
pip install '.[test]' -U --upgrade-strategy eager
Run all tests using pytest
When running all tests against the standard http application
Run all tests and get information about coverage for all files inside oauth2_xfel_client package
pytest --cov oauth2_xfel_client --cov-report term-missing
Code keeps respecting pycodestyle code conventions (to validate that run pycodestyle)::
pycodestyle .
To generate all the wheels files for the dependencies, execute::
Generate Wheels to itself and dependencies
pip wheel --wheel-dir=./external_dependencies .
pip wheel --wheel-dir=./external_dependencies --find-links=./external_dependencies .
Check that you have the desired dependency versions in external_dependencies
folder, since no versions are now set in setup.py
To register this python library, the following steps are necessary::
# Install twine
python -m pip install --upgrade twine
# Generates source distribution (.tar.gz) and wheel (.whl) files in the dist/ folder
python setup.py sdist
python setup.py bdist_wheel
# Upload new version .egg and .whl files
twine upload dist/*
# In case a test is necessary, it is possible to test it against test.pypi.org
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/* --verbose