Generates the pair list of atoms that are closer to each other than the
given threshold under the periodic boundary conditions.
See pairlist.h
for the function definition and pairlist-test.c
for usage.
Python API is served in The API document is here.
To find the neighbors in a face-centered cubic lattice of size 10x10x10 on a MacBook Air 2021 (Apple Silicon),
$ python
INFO crude: Neighboring pair list by a crude double loop.
INFO crude: 18024 ms
INFO crude: end.
24000 pairs
INFO numpyish: Neighboring pair list by numpy fancy array.
INFO numpyish: 741 ms
INFO numpyish: end.
24000.0 pairs
INFO pairlist_py: Neighboring pair list by pairlist in pure python.
INFO pairlist_py: 125 ms
INFO pairlist_py: end.
24000 pairs
INFO pairlist_c: Neighboring pair list by pairlist in c.
INFO pairlist_c: end.
INFO pairlist_c: 16 ms
24000 pairs
import pairlist as pl
from fcc import FaceCenteredCubic
from logging import getLogger, basicConfig, INFO, DEBUG
from decorator import timeit, banner
import numpy as np
from pairlist import pairs_py, pairs2_py
basicConfig(level=INFO, format="%(levelname)s %(message)s")
logger = getLogger()
logger.debug("Debug mode.")
def crude(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
"Neighboring pair list by a crude double loop."
rc2 = rc**2
count = 0
for i in range(len(lattice)):
for j in range(i):
d = lattice[i] - lattice[j]
d -= np.floor(d + 0.5)
d = d @ cell
if d @ d < rc2:
count += 1
return count
def numpyish(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
"Neighboring pair list by numpy fancy array."
M = lattice[:, None, :] - lattice[None, :, :]
M -= np.floor(M + 0.5)
M = M @ cell
d = (M * M).sum(2)
return d[(d < rc**2) & (0 < d)].shape[0] / 2
def pairlist_py(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
"Neighboring pair list by pairlist in pure python."
count = 0
for i, j, d in pl.pairs_iter(
lattice, maxdist=rc, cell=cell, _engine=(pairs_py, pairs2_py)
count += 1
return count
def pairlist_c(lattice, cell, rc=1.1):
"Neighboring pair list by pairlist in c."
count = 0
for i, j, d in pl.pairs_iter(lattice, maxdist=rc, cell=cell):
count += 1
return count
lattice, cell = FaceCenteredCubic(10)
print(crude(lattice, cell), "pairs")
print(numpyish(lattice, cell), "pairs")
print(pairlist_py(lattice, cell), "pairs")
print(pairlist_c(lattice, cell), "pairs")
A simple cell division algorithm is implemented.
It requires GenIce to make the test data.
% make test