Panther Analysis Tool
Panther Analysis Tool
is a Python application for testing, packaging, and deploying Panther
For further details, see Quick Start and
Panther Documentation.
From PyPi
Use pip to install
panther_analysis_tool package
from PyPi:
pip3 install panther_analysis_tool
Or without a virtual environment:
make deps
pip3 install -e .
From source
make install
pipenv run -- pip3 install -e .
Show available commands and their options:
$ panther_analysis_tool -h
usage: panther_analysis_tool [-h] [--version] [--debug] [--skip-version-check] {release,test,publish,upload,delete,update-custom-schemas,test-lookup-table,validate,zip,check-connection,benchmark,enrich-test-data} ...
Panther Analysis Tool: A command line tool for managing Panther policies and rules.
positional arguments:
release Create release assets for repository containing panther detections. Generates a file called and optionally generates panther-analysis-all.sig
test Validate analysis specifications and run policy and rule tests.
publish Publishes a new release, generates the release assets, and uploads them. Generates a file called and optionally generates panther-analysis-all.sig
upload Upload specified policies and rules to a Panther deployment.
delete Delete policies, rules, or saved queries from a Panther deployment
Update or create custom schemas on a Panther deployment.
test-lookup-table Validate a Lookup Table spec file.
validate Validate your bulk uploads against your panther instance
zip Create an archive of local policies and rules for uploading to Panther.
check-connection Check your Panther API connection
benchmark Performance test one rule against one of its log types. The rule must be the only item in the working directory or specified by --path, --ignore-files, and --filter. This feature is an extension
of Data Replay and is subject to the same limitations.
enrich-test-data Enrich test data with additional enrichments from the Panther API.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
Run tests for a given path:
$ panther_analysis_tool test --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies/
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies/
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
Create packages to upload through the Panther UI:
$ panther_analysis_tool zip --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies/ --out tmp
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies/
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
[INFO]: Zipping analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies/ to tmp
[INFO]: <current working directory>/tmp/
Or upload packages directly into Panther:
$ panther_analysis_tool upload --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies/ --out tmp
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies/
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
[INFO]: Zipping analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies/ to tmp
[INFO]: Found credentials in environment variables.
[INFO]: Uploading pack to Panther
[INFO]: Upload success.
[INFO]: API Response:
"modifiedPolicies": 0,
"modifiedRules": 0,
"newPolicies": 2,
"newRules": 1,
"totalPolicies": 2,
"totalRules": 1
The test
, zip
, and upload
commands all support filtering. Filtering works
by passing the --filter
argument with a list of filters specified in the
. The keys can be any valid field in a policy or rule.
When using a filter, only anaylsis that matches each filter specified will be
considered. For example, the following command will test only items with the
AnalysisType as policy
AND severity as High
$ panther_analysis_tool test --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies --filter AnalysisType=policy Severity=High
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
Alternately, the following command will test items with the AnalysisType
OR rule
, AND the severity High
$ panther_analysis_tool test --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies --filter AnalysisType=policy,rule Severity=High
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
When writing policies or rules that refer to the global analysis types, include
them in the filter. An empty string as a filter value means the filter applies
only if the field exists. The following command returns an error: the policy
imports a global, but the global lacks a severity and thus is excluded by the
$ panther_analysis_tool test --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies --filter AnalysisType=policy,global Severity=Critical
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies
[ERROR] Error loading module, skipping
Invalid: tests/fixtures/valid_policies/example_policy.yml
No module named 'panther'
[ERROR]: [('tests/fixtures/valid_policies/example_policy.yml', ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'panther'"))]
For this query to work, allow for the abscence of the severity field:
$ panther_analysis_tool test --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies --filter AnalysisType=policy,global Severity=Critical,""
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in tests/fixtures/valid_policies
[PASS] Root MFA not enabled fails compliance
[PASS] User MFA not enabled fails compliance
Filters work for the zip
and upload
commands in the exact same way they work
for the test
In addition to filtering, setting a minimum number of unit tests is possible
with the --minimum-tests flag. Detections lacking the minimum number of tests
are considered failing. If --minimum-tests
is set to 2 or greater, the
requirement becomes that at least one test must return True
and another must
return False
$ panther_analysis_tool test --path tests/fixtures/valid_policies --minimum-tests 2
% panther_analysis_tool test --path okta_rules --minimum-tests 2
[INFO]: Testing analysis packs in okta_rules
[PASS] Admin Access Assigned
[PASS] Failed login
[PASS] Non Login
[PASS] Failed Login
Panther CLI Test Summary
Path: okta_rules
Passed: 0
Failed: 3
Invalid: 0
Failed Tests Summary
['Insufficient test coverage, 2 tests required but only 1 found.', 'Insufficient test coverage: expected at least one passing and one failing test.']
['Insufficient test coverage, 2 tests required but only 1 found.', 'Insufficient test coverage: expected at least one passing and one failing test]
['Insufficient test coverage: expected at least one passing and one failing test.']
In this case, even though the rules passed all their tests, they are still
considered failing because they do not have the correct test coverage.
Delete Rules, Policies, or Saved Queries
$ panther_analysis_tool delete
usage: panther_analysis_tool delete [-h] [--no-confirm] [--athena-datalake] [--api-token API_TOKEN] [--api-host API_HOST] [--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE] [--analysis-id ANALYSIS_ID [ANALYSIS_ID ...]]
[--query-id QUERY_ID [QUERY_ID ...]]
Delete policies, rules, or saved queries from a Panther deployment
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no-confirm Skip manual confirmation of deletion (default: False)
--athena-datalake Instance DataLake is backed by Athena (default: False)
--api-token API_TOKEN
The Panther API token to use. See: (default: None)
--api-host API_HOST The Panther API host to use. See: (default: None)
--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE
The AWS profile to use when updating the AWS Panther deployment. (default: None)
--analysis-id ANALYSIS_ID [ANALYSIS_ID ...]
Space separated list of Detection IDs (default: [])
--query-id QUERY_ID [QUERY_ID ...]
Space separated list of Saved Queries (default: [])
Pass a space-separated list of Analysis IDs (RuleID or PolicyID) or QueryIDs.
Use the --no-confirm flag to bypass confirmation prompts. Rules and their
associated saved queries will be matched and deleted. The default configuration
targets a Snowflake datalake; for an Athena datalake, use the --athena-datalake
Configuration File
Panther Analysis Tool will also read options from a configuration file
in the current working directory. An example
configuration file is included in this repo,
example_panther_config.yml, that contains example
syntax for supported options.
Options in the configuration file take precedence over command-line options. For
instance, if minimum_tests: 2 is set in the configuration file and
--minimum-tests 1 is specified on the command line, the minimum number of tests
will be 2.
All contributions are welcome. Prior to submitting pull requests, consult the
contributing guidelines.
For steps to open a pull request from a fork, refer to
GitHub's guide.
Local Development
To develop with the panther_analysis_tool locally, prepare two repositories:
this one and another containing the panther analysis content for PAT testing.
From your panther_analysis
content repository, install as editable (and test, for example):
pipenv install --editable ../relative/path/to/panther_analysis_tool
pipenv run panther_analysis_tool test
This repository is licensed under the AGPL-3.0