Cloud SDK
SDK to be used to access Pasqal Cloud Services.
To install the latest release of the cloud-sdk
, have Python 3.8.0 or higher installed, then use pip:
pip install pasqal-sdk
If you wish to install the development version of the cloud_sdk from source instead, do the following from within this repository after cloning it:
git checkout develop
pip install -e .
Bear in mind that this installation will track the contents of your local
cloud_sdk repository folder, so if you checkout a different branch (e.g. master
your installation will change accordingly.
Development Requirements (Optional)
To run the tutorials or the test suite locally, run the following to install the development requirements:
pip install -e .[dev]
Instanciation and Authentication
There are several ways to provide a correct authentication using the SDK.
from sdk import SDK
""" Method 1: Username + Password
If you know your credentials, you can pass them to the SDK instance on creation.
sdk = SDK(username=username, password=password, group_id=group_id)
""" Method 2: Username only
If you only want to insert your username, but want a solution to have your password being secret
you can run the SDK without password. A prompt will then ask for your password
sdk = SDK(username=username, group_id=group_id)
> Please, enter your password:
""" Method 3: Use a token
If you already know your token, you can directly pass it as an argument
using the following method.
class NewTokenProvider(TokenProvider):
def _query_token(self):
return {
"access_token": "some_token",
"id_token": "id_token",
"scope": "openid profile email",
"expires_in": 86400,
"token_type": "Bearer"
sdk = SDK(token_provider=NewTokenProvider, group_id=group_id)
/!\ For developers /!\
If you want to redefine the APIs used by the SDK, please, do the following.
from sdk import SDK, Endpoints, Auth0COnf
endpoints = Endpoints(core = "my_new_core_endpoint")
auth0 = Auth0Conf(
sdk = SDK(..., endpoints=endpoints, auth0=auth0)
This enables you to target backend services running locally on your machine, or other environment like preprod or dev.
Basic usage
The package main component is a python object called SDK
which can be used to create a Batch
and send it automatically
to Pasqal APIs using an API token generated in the user portal.
A Batch
is a group of jobs with the same sequence that will run on the same QPU. For each job of a given batch you must set a value for each variable, if any, defined in your sequence.
The batch sequence can be generated using Pulser. See their documentation,
for more information on how to install the library and create your own sequence.
Below is an example of the creation of a simple sequence with a single variable and its serialization to a string.
from pulser import devices, Pulse, Register, Sequence
from pulser.register.special_layouts import SquareLatticeLayout
register = Register.square(2, spacing=5, prefix="q")
sequence = Sequence(register, devices.IroiseMVP)
sequence.declare_channel("rydberg", "rydberg_global")
omega_max = sequence.declare_variable("omega_max")
generic_pulse = Pulse.ConstantPulse(100, omega_max, 2, 0.0)
sequence.add(generic_pulse, "rydberg")
serialized_sequence = sequence.serialize()
Once you have serialized your sequence, you can send it with the SDK with the following code
from sdk import SDK
from pulser import devices, Register, Sequence
sdk = SDK(username=username, password=password, group_id=group_id)
job1 = {"runs": 20, "variables": {"omega_max": 6} }
job2 = {"runs": 50, "variables": {"omega_max": 10.5} }
batch = sdk.create_batch(serialized_sequence, [job1,job2], wait=True)
from sdk.device import EmulatorType
batch = sdk.create_batch(serialized_sequence, [job1,job2], emulator=EmulatorType.EMU_FREE)
for job in
Some emulators, such as EMU_TN and EMU_FREE, accept further configuration to control the emulation.
This is because these emulators are more advanced numerical simulation of the quantum system.
For EMU_TN you may add the integrator timestep in nanoseconds, the numerical accuracy desired in the tensor network compression, and the maximal bond dimension of tensor network state.
from sdk.device import EmulatorType, EmuTNConfig
configuration = EmuTNConfig(dt = 10.0, precision = "normal", max_bond_dim = 100)
batch = sdk.create_batch(serialized_sequence, [job1,job2], emulator=EmulatorType.EMU_TN, configuration=configuration)
For EMU_FREE you may add some default SPAM noise. Beware this makes your job take much longer.
from sdk.device import EmulatorType, EmuFreeConfig
configuration = EmuFreeConfig(with_noise=True)
batch = sdk.create_batch(serialized_sequence, [job1,job2], emulator=EmulatorType.EMU_FREE, configuration=configuration)
List of supported device specifications
The SDK provides a method to retrieve the devices specs currently defined on PASQAL's cloud platform.
They define the physical constraints of our QPUs and these constraints enforce some rules on
the pulser sequence that can be run on QPUs (e.g. max amount of atoms, available pulse channels, ...)
The method returns a dict object mapping a device type to a serialized device specs. These specs can be used
to instantiate a Device
instance in the Pulser