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:target: https://travis-ci.org/colinhoglund/piprepo
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piprepo is a tool for building and synchronizing PEP-503 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0503/>
_ compliant package repositories.
It currently supports synchronization to a local directory as well as AWS S3.
pip install piprepo
usage: piprepo build [-h] directory
positional arguments:
directory Local directory to build
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: piprepo sync [-h] source destination
positional arguments:
source Repository source
destination Repository destination
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Building a local package repo
The piprepo build
command builds a simple package index
from packages contained in the specified directory.
Download some source tarballs or wheels::
pip download -d /tmp/localrepo pyyaml
pip wheel -w /tmp/localrepo pip
Or create a wheel from your source and copy it out (be sure to pip install wheel
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
cp dist/*.whl /tmp/localrepo/
Build a simple package repository from downloaded packages::
piprepo build /tmp/localrepo
Build and sychronize to a destination repo
The piprepo sync
command builds a simple package index from
packages contained in the local source directory, and syncs
packages and index files to the specified destination.
Download some source tarballs or wheels::
pip download -d /tmp/syncrepo pyyaml
pip wheel -w /tmp/syncrepo pip
Synchronize to local directory::
piprepo sync /tmp/syncrepo /tmp/newrepo
Synchronize to an S3 bucket::
piprepo sync /tmp/syncrepo s3://my-bucket/piprepo
Install from a local repo
Once you have built your repo, you can install using::
pip install my-pkg --extra-index-url file:///tmp/localrepo/simple/
Installing development requirements::
pip install -e .[dev]