Plover plugin for Spelling Based Stenography
Created by Tink & Emily & Kaoffie
With lots of help from, Jen and paulfioravanti :)

StenoBee, is a spelling based, orderless Steno theory for Plover.

Some key points about Stenobee
- Originally started, to address issues arising from local dialect differences.
- Comes with a default dictionary of 13k unique words from my own posts, plus around 8k phrases taken from ngram data.
- You can also make your dictionary from your own word list/raw text (using the tools at the bottom of the page)
What is StenoBee is bad at.
- Captioning, and court reporting work, since the orderless non phonetic nature of it actively makes transcription related work harder.
- Ambiguity with some shorter words, some memorization may be needed.
Some things that StenoBee is Good for
- Can be easily customized using tools provided at the very bottom.
- It's great at encoding long words and phrases into single strokes.

IF you are here, and you are still interested.
You can also make the dictionary entirely based on what you want.
Using these tools, you can take either raw text, or a ranked list.
Then make a common words dictionary from it.
Tools to filter and clean raw text, and turn it into 3 lists for easier handling.
Tools to take your tex, and convert it into the dictionary file, replacing the "common" dictionary file.

An alternative Ergo centric number layout.