Never write another polling function again!
Documentation available at Read the Docs
You can install the package from Pypi
Polling2 is a powerful python utility used to wait for a function to return a certain expected condition.
Some possible uses cases include:
- Wait for API response to return with code 200
- Wait for a file to exist (or not exist)
- Wait for a thread lock on a resource to expire
Polling2 is handy for getting rid of all that duplicated polling-code. Often, applications require retrying until the correct response is returned. Why re-implement the ability to poll again and again? Use Polling2!
Polling2 is a fork of the original polling. It was forked when the original maintainer failed to respond to issues or PRs.
Polling2 is under active development. Would you like to see a particular feature? Ask and thou shall recieve.
pip install polling2
Development installation
# install lib, but use system links from the repo into sitepackages.
python setup.py develop
# install test dependenices.
python setup.py test
# run the tests
pytest tests
file_handle = polling2.poll(
lambda: open('/tmp/myfile.txt'),
There are more examples in the documentation.