pyapktool is a Python command line utility that can help speed up common actions usually performed when reverse engineering
Android apps:
- It can unpack Android app's apk file and extract all of its content (Smali code, libs, layouts XMLs etc.)
- It can pack an unpacked Android app's directory, back to an apk file (which usually happens after you create
any modification/patching to the app)
- It can sign a packed apk(by default-with debug keys. This is a required step in order to install your modified
apk to any Android device)
- No other prerequisite libraries installation/tools are needed to use this tool.
It will download/update any required tool (apktool, apk-signer) automatically if needed.
pyapktool is available on PyPI:
$ python -m pip install pyapktool
How to use
Unpack an apk file (output will be located in a directory named 'myapp') :
$ pyapktool myapp.apk
Pack an unpacked Android app's directory, back to an apk file, and sign it with debug keys (output will be 'myapp-signed.apk'):
$ pyapktool myapp