Pycamt is a flexible and extensible Python class designed to parse CAMT.053 XML files, which are used for bank-to-customer account report messages in the financial industry. The parser supports multiple versions of the CAMT.053 standard, making it a versatile tool for extracting financial transaction data.,structured%20MT%20940%20bank%20file.
To use Camt053Parser, simply copy the file into your project directory, or include it as part of your Python package.
pip install pycamt
Creating an Instance
You can create an instance of the Camt053Parser by providing the XML data as a string:
from Camt053Parser import Camt053Parser
xml_data = "<Document>...</Document>"
parser = Camt053Parser(xml_data)
Alternatively, you can initialize the parser with a file path:
parser = Camt053Parser.from_file('path/to/your/file.xml')
To extract group header information such as message ID and creation date/time:
group_header = parser.get_group_header()
To retrieve all transaction entries from the file:
transactions = parser.get_transactions()
for transaction in transactions:
To get basic statement information like IBAN and opening/closing balance:
statement_info = parser.get_statement_info()
Contributions to Camt053Parser are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or encounter any issues, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
For submitting enhancements or new features, please ensure your code is well-documented and includes relevant docstrings.
Ensure your contributions are tested to maintain reliability and stability of the parser.
Adhere to the existing code style for consistency.
Specify your chosen license here, providing users with information on how they can use, modify, and share your code.