One useful utility for making Swimlane Bundles is the Flattener, which helps to simplify complex JSON.
Basic Usage
from pyflattener import Flattener, do_flatten
data = {
"outer_key": {
"inner_key1": "inner val 1",
"inner_key2": "inner val 2"
"basic_key": "value",
"basic_list": ["1", "2", "3"],
"mixed_list": [1, "2", "3"],
"basic_list2": [1, 2, 3]
flat_data = do_flatten(data)
flat_data = Flattener(prefix=None, stringify_lists=True, shallow_flatten=False,
keep_simple_lists=True, autoparse_dt_strs=True).flatten(data)
flat_data will now look like:
'outer_key_inner_key1': 'inner val 1',
'basic_list': ['1', '2', '3'],
'basic_key': 'value',
'outer_key_inner_key2': 'inner val 2',
'basic_list2': [1, 2, 3],
'mixed_list': '1,2,3'
Here is a description of the params you can pass to a Flattener() object or do_flatten
Prefix to add to the data after flattening
do_flatten({"a": 5}, prefix="my_prefix")
Stringify Lists
Turn lists with basic types into CSV, defaults to True. This option is ignored for simple lists if keep_simple_lists is True
stringify = <True or False>
do_flatten({"a": [1,2,3]}, stringify_lists=stringify, keep_simple_lists=False)
Shallow Flatten
Ignore the first level of nesting, and only flatten each element within it. Used for lists of dictionaries
data = [
{"a": { "sub_a": 1 }, "b": 5},
{"a": { "sub_a": 2 }, "b": 6},
shallow = <True or False>
do_flatten(data, shallow_flatten=shallow)
Keep Simple Lists
If a list in the resulting flattened dict is only integers or only strings, even if stringify_lists is True, keep this list
simple = <True or False>
do_flatten({"a": [1,2,3], "b": ["c", 4]}, keep_simple_lists=simple)
Misc Flattening Functions
There are many useful flattening functions for more complicated data
Hoist Key(s)
Grab keys from a list of dicts
hoist_key("a", [{"a": 5}, {"a": 6}])
hoist_keys(["a", "b"], [{"a": 5, "b": 1}, {"a": 6, "b": 2}])
Replace Dict Prefix
Replace a prefix in a dictionary
replace_dict_prefix("aaa", "bbbb", {"aaa_data": 5})
replace_dict_prefix("aaa_", "", {"aaa_data": 5})
Merge Dicts
Merge two dictionaries together, regardless if they share keys or not.
If they share keys, it uses combine_listdict
merge_dicts({"a": 1}, {"b": 2})
merge_dicts({"a": 1}, {"a": 2})
Is SimpleList
Check if a list is purely of integers or purely of strings
Flatten Single Lists
Flatten all keys in a dict that are lists with a single entry
flatten_single_lists({"a": [1,2,3], "b": [5]})
Combine ListDict
Combine a list of dictionaries into a single dictionary
combine_listdict([{"a": 1},{"a": 2}, {"a": 3}])
complicated_data = [
"a": "entry 1",
"b": "v1"
"b": "v2"
"a": "entry 2"
Note how the missing entries were filled in with None This is to ensure the ordering of elements can be
obtained in the flattened dict result.
Also note that attempting to combine a list of dictionaries with nonbasic keys (subdicts or lists) can
lead to odd results, or not be possible to combine in that form
Clean XMLToDict Result
XMLToDict returns very ugly data, this helps clean it up. It only cleans top-level keys, so it is most
effective after flattening
import xmltodict
ugly_xml = "<xml><key attr=\"5\">val</key></xml>"
xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(ugly_xml)