This is a Python package to interface with an Insteon Modem. It has been
tested to work with most USB or RS-232 serial based devices such as the
2413U <>
2412S <>
2448A7 <>
__ and Hub models
2242 <>
and 2245 <>
__. Other models have
not been tested but the underlying protocol has not changed much over
time so it would not be surprising if it worked with a number of other
models. If you find success with something, please let us know.
This pyinsteon package was created primarily to support an INSTEON
platform for the Home Assistant <>
automation platform but it is structured to be general-purpose and
should be usable for other applications as well.
- Python 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11, 3.12
- Posix or Windows based system
- Some form of Insteon PLM or Hub
- At least one Insteon device
You can, of course, just install the most recent release of this package
using pip
. This will download the more recent version from
PyPI <>
__ and install it to
your host.
pip install pyinsteon
If you want to grab the the development code, you can also clone this
git repository and install from local sources:
cd pyinsteon
pip install .