pymysql connection & pool manager for python3
Refactor pymysql connection
New features
Parameter 'charset' default is utf8
#. Parameter 'autocommit' default is True
#. Added parameter 'timezone', default is '+00:00'
#. Use pymysql.cursors.DictCursor by default
#. Reconnect after the database connection is lost
#. Add logs for creating connections, mysql warnings, exceptions, database queries, etc.
#. Using the syntax for transaction operations
#. Provide simplified query methods such as fetch_all/fetch_row/fetch_column/fetch_first
#. Provide simplified methods such as insert/insert_many/update/delete
Create pymysql connection
.. code-block:: python
import pymysql
from pymysql_manager import Connection
conn = Connection(host='', database='foo', timezone='+8:00')
- Transaction
Before code:
.. code-block:: python
catch Exception:
.. code-block:: python
with conn.transaction():
- Fetch rowsets
.. code-block:: python
executed: select * from foo where id between 5 and 10
all_rows = conn.fetch_all('select * from foo where id between %s and %s', 5, 10)
executed: select * from foo limit 1
first_row = conn.fetch_row('select * from foo')
executed: select * from foo limit 1
first_column_on_first_row = conn.fetch_first('select * from foo')
executed: select * from foo limit 1
third_column_on_first_row = conn.fetch_column('select * from foo', column=3)
- Fetch by Iterator
When a result is large, it may be used SSCursor. But sometimes using limit ... offset ... can reduce the pressure on the database
by SSCursor
.. code-block:: python
cursor = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor)
while True:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if not row:
by fetch_iterator
.. code-block:: python
for row in conn.fetch_iterator(sql, per=1000, max=100000):
- Single/Bulk Insert or Replace | Update | Delete
.. code-block:: python
insert ignore into mytable (foo, bar) values (1, 2)
db.insert('insert ignore into mytable', foo=1, bar=2)
insert ignore into mytable (foo, bar) values (1, 2) on duplicate key update ...
db.insert('insert ignore into mytable on duplicate key update ...', **dict(foo=1, bar=2))
insert ignore into mytable (id, name) values (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar') on duplicate key update ...
db.insert_many('insert ignore into mytable on duplicate key update ...', ['id', 'name'], [(1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')])
update mytable set foo=1, bar=2 where id between %s and %s
db.update('update mytable where id between %s and %s', 10, 5, foo=1, bar=2)
db.update('update mytable where id between %s and %s', [10, 5], foo=1, bar=2)
db.update('update mytable where id between %s and %s', *[10, 5], **dict(foo=1, bar=2))
update from mytable where id between %s and %s
db.delete('delete from mytable id between %s and %s', 10, 5)
db.delete('delete from mytable id between %s and %s', [10, 5])
Connection Pool
- Create connection pool
.. code-block:: python
from pymysql_manager import ConnectionPooled
pooled = ConnectionPooled(host='', database='foo',
pool_options=dict(max_size=10, max_usage=100000, idle=60, ttl=120))
- Execute SQL without the connection pool
.. code-block:: python
- Using connection pool to execute SQL
.. code-block:: python
with pooled.pool() as connection:
Connection Manager
- Configuration
.. code-block:: python
from pymysql_manager import ConnectionManager
m = ConnectionManager(default='foo',
foo=dict(host='', database='foo', user='root', passwd=''),
bar=dict(host='', database='bar', user='root', passwd=''))
- Get a connection
.. code-block:: python
m.execute(sql) # use default connection
- Get a connection from connection pool
.. code-block:: python
with m.pool() as connection: pass # use default connection
with m['foo'].pool() as connection: pass
with m.connection('foo').pool() as connection: pass
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.